Chapter 3 - Shopping for squids... And suits.

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A/N: I truly love you guys, it's been around 10 hours and I already got 25 reads, 3 votes, and 3 comments. You're boodiful <3. In this chapter Jason & Adam will be shopping for MOAR squids. Why? Adam ate them all. He likes food. In this chapter they will also find their costumes. Jason will get the astronaut suit, and Adam will get like an army suit thingy but it's black and gray. And they will show A BIT of they're "like like"-ness towards each other. xD Here you go my friends. Warning: Long chapter?

Jason's P.O.V. [Short]

I was trying to find more squids in the food chest when I realized; ADAM ATE THEM ALL. I guess we're gonna go shopping today.

"ADAM! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled.

"LIVING ROOM! WATCHING TV! IT'S A SHOW ABOUT BUDDER!" He yelled back. I just chuckle, it's cute how he calls gold "budder". People think it's weird, but I still think it's cute.

I walked into the living room, and saw Adam lying down on the couch while eating mushroom stew.

"Adam we need to go shopping"

Adam's P.O.V.

"Adam we need to go shopping" Jason says plainly. NOTCH DAMN IT. I HATE SHOPPING.

"But Jasoooon... Whyyyyy?" I whined.

"Cause you ate all the squids," He started. Wow am I really that fat? "And if we don't get anymore squids, I can't cook calamari anymore."

"WHAT. NO. Ok let's go to the mall. Lemme change first..."

So I got up from the couch, went upstairs to my room, used my favorite hoodie and my favorite shoes. My hoodie looked like an armor of some sort, and my shoes are red. Most of my friends tell me I need to get a cooler outfit, but I don't care. I love it. [*bah-dum-tsss*]

After I finished changing, I went downstairs, and saw that Jason was already waiting for me by the doorway.

"Ya ready?"


-In the mall-

We were looking for squids in the mall when suddenly-

"Oh. My. Notch. JASON, YOU POOP. LOOK AT THAT!" I yelled at him.

"I'm not poop. And look at what?" He replies calmly.

"THAT!" I yelled again, while pointing to a costume store.

In the store there was an army suit that looks EXACTLY like my hoodie. And there's one suit that looks like Jason's astronaut hoodie, the one he used when we first met in school.

"I'M GONNA GO THERE!" I yelled excitedly. Sooo.. I pretty much ran there, and got a few stares from people.

"Hey! WAIT FOR ME!" Jason yelled. Usually, he would be super quiet... Maybe it's cause I'm with hi- 'Adam, NO.' I just sighed, and continue running to the store.

Jason's P.O.V. [Short, again]

Adam acts like a little kid all the time, but that's what I love about him. He makes me feel happy, and more confident. That's why, when he's around, I could just run around and scream like a villager that's being chased by a wolf or something.

When we got in the store, I just stared at the astronaut suit in awe. It was so... beautiful.

So I quickly got it, and tried it on.

"Hey Sky! Do I look FABULOUS?" I asked Sky, while doing a little pose.

"Uhh... Uh-um..." He stuttered. He was blushing like a mad man.

"Ummm Sky? You OK?" I asked him, concerned. "Skyyy?"

Adam's P.O.V. [Pretty long]

When Jason used the astronaut costume... He looked... So... PERFECT. Everything about him just looked even more... stunning. I guess I kinda zoned out since Jason was trying to get my attention.

"Huh? Wh-what happened?" I asked. Blushing slightly.

"You kinda zoned out there buddy, you sure you're okay?" Jason asked me, with a worried look on his face. It was kinda hard to see his face cause of the helmet though.

"Oh! Y-yeah I'm find. I'm just gonna try... This costume out!" I said, trying to change the topic of the conversation.

I guess I picked up the right costume, I wasn't really looking anyways. So I tried it on.

"Jason! LOOKY!" I yelled.

"Wow... It fits perfectly on you." He says quietly. Then he blushes a little.

"Oh umm thanks..." I said, also blushing.

"Heh.. We should go buy these... Lemme see how much they co- HOLEY SHIRT. THEY'RE EXPENSIVE." Jason said, looking at the price tags.

"Really? How much do they cost?" I asked confused.

"Ummm... 75 iron each."

"WHAT THE CRAP. Well... I have around 90 iron." I said while counting my iron.

"I have 64, cause I thought we're just gonna buy squids. But if we buy these costumes, we won't be able to buy some squids for your, beloved, calamari." He says, chuckling at the end.


"Alright, we'll just go fishing for squids I guess." He said shrugging.

So we bought the suits, and went home to get the fishing rods, changed into our usual clothes, and went to the lake.

This is gonna be a looooooooong day. Well, at least I'm with Jason.

A/N: Was that poop? I'm sorry if it was poop. Forgive me! D: I will publish another chapter soon... I wanna play Free Realms... xD Add me if you want, we can talk about the story there... or on facebook... or twitter... or here... or youtube... or skype... -continues saying non-sense-

Well if you wanna add me on Free Realms my name is Maya DiGiovanni. I only have one friend there... FOREVER ALONE. If you wanna add me on a social thingy, message me your skype/facebook username, then I'll add ya :P kbai doods and doodettes.

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