Daniel Imagine

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This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. Thats all thats running through your mind. You just caught your now ex, Jason, with another girl. And not just with another girl, making out with her. Wtf! just yesterday he promised that there was no way he could ever leave your side! We people mess up. People break promises. People get hurt. This system was called "life".
You ran home. You ran the mile from the park to your house. The whole way, and sprinted. You never wanted to see his face again. You knew though, why this was happening. She was prettier. (Well, basically everyone was,) She was skinnier. She had pretty hair. She wasn't a dork. She was everything you aren't. Perfect. She was probably clueless as the the fact he supposedly had a girlfriend.
When you got home, you were alone. You climbed the stairs up to you bathroom. Your sobs shook the walls and masscara ran down your face. You grabbed the razor from the tub and pulled off your pants. You dragged it is uneven lines along your inner thighs. It helped the mental pain in a way you could not express.
Shit. The door. It opened revealing a scared, desperate Daniel. His face contorted into pain. (You see Daniel had been your best friend for years now and let himself into your house freely, usually looking for you. ) "Dammit (Y/N)! You cant do this to your self! I'm sorry. It must have been me. I did this. Its my fault." He knelt down and cradled you like a baby, gently rocking you back and forth in his arms. Your sobs had died down some. You realized the soft vibrations were coming from Daniel. "It's not you. Babe your perfect its just I saw Jason with a girl and they were kissing and I ran home and this helped me feel better and..." you trailed off. You were completely surrounded by him. He made you feel warm. It was a good feeling. Warm was a happy feeling.
Finally Daniel looked up, revealing his face. "For gods sake (Y/N) I love you. As more than a friend. And I'm sorry i didnt tell you. I was scared. I didnt want to loose you as a friend, and if that meant suffering by holding in my feeling than fine. Your loved. Your perfect. He is the asshole. I need you in my life right now. Don't ever do this to me again." And then his lips hit yours. His strong arms were around your waist and yours around his neck. Without breaking the kiss he lifted you up on your feet. His lips softened and the kiss became less desperate. He broke away too soon.
"I love you. " He looked into your eyes and when he said those words you knew how deep he was being. You burried your face into his hoodie and whispered "I love you too."

Well thats my first imagine c: please tell me if its terrible, i will definitely fix/edit/ change things if there is something that could make it better! REQUESTS OPEN!!!

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