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Hey guys, so this is it. The very heavily edited and somewhat changed Giving up Rachel, I've uploaded the prologue and the first chapter, because I thought just the prologue would be mean! So hopefully you enjoy it!- Hannah :)

Standing there I watched her turn her back on me. My best friend. My soulmate. The love of my life. The tears beginning to form in my eyes as she walked off, away from me, away from us all, towards the departing plane, hand in hand with another.

It looked so wrong to see her with someone else. Knowing she should be with me. Knowing I should be the one to hold her hand, setting off to start a whole new life with her. Not her setting off to start a whole new life.

A whole new life without me by her side.

All of my being wanted to run to her, embrace her in a tight hug, just like old times and hold her body close to mine as I tell her I had lied, that I loved her more than life itself, that I wanted to be the one she laughed with, the one she grew old with. That I was sorry for everything that happened, sorry for making her hurt so much.

I couldn't do it. It wouldn't be possible. It wouldn't be fair.

As the years pass by, I know that I would come to regret this decision I had made, letting her go. Regret not being selfish and holding on to her forever, like I so deeply wanted to. Regret the decisions I had made putting someone else before myself, leaving me all alone and heartbroken. Regret the fact that now there was nothing I could do.

She turned back, looking in my direction, even from this distance I could tell she was crying, the way her eyes were red and puffy and her head was bobbing up and down as she sobbed, making my heart ache. She had always been very sensitive, ever since we had been kids, she was never afraid to show her emotions.

For the final time I took in every detail of her beautiful face, knowing this would be the last time I saw her, saw her soft eyes, her cute little nose, those lips that I loved so much. Though, I didn't have to, her face was always in my mind, clouding it, not letting me think of anything else, that was if I could think of anything else.

I smiled encouragingly to her, not wanting her to know how much this was killing me, not wanting her to see how my heart was breaking that little more with each step she took away from me. After all this is what I had pushed her too...

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