Chapter Six

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"I absolutely love your cooking."

Sitting on Rachel's kitchen counter I was watching her cook, while I made the odd comment here and there, and after smelling how wonderful the food she was cooking was, I couldn't wait to taste it.

After we had finished talking, and kissing, I had taken a shower and borrowed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt from Rachel, whilst she spent the time cooking and preparing the table, after cleaning her room. She would make a perfect housewife. I laughed at the thought, not believing that it had actually crossed my mind.

Giving me a strange look, following my laughter, she shook her head before responding to my earlier statement, "Well I'm a girl of many talents and I'm sure it's not the only one you'll love." She smirked at me, before adding more salt to the dish.

"I hope that means what I think it does." I winked at her, just as the front door opened, and her mum was quick to join us in the kitchen, cutting of our flirting. Though I'm sure she wouldn't have minded if we had continued.

"Can I smell Paella?" Eve said walking over to where I was sitting, and wrapping her arms around me for a hug, which I returned. Eve was an amazing woman and she had always been like a second mum to me, her house was always open for me, and over the years I had taken advantage of that, spending a lot of my time here, with Rachel.

"Yes you can smell Paella." I told her, smiling as I watched Rachel continue to cook the food, occasionally sending me a small smile.

Paella, Spanish for rice and other stuff, but all I knew was that it was good, really good. Rachel's dad was Spanish, making her half Spanish, and it turned out she was able to cook just as well as he did. Rachel's dad, Rafael, had died in a car crash when we were only seven, and I didn't have that many memories of him, but the ones I did have were only good. His death had meant that Rachel and her mum became incredibly close, and it was sweet to see the bond between them.

"Hey mum." Rachel greeted her, as Eve placed a kiss on her daughters cheek before helping to finish the table, like I had agreed to.

"Rach didn't tell me you were coming round Alex honey, not that I mind, I just would have made a stop at the shops to get you girls a few things."

Laughing, Rachel and I both smiled at her mum, "Well I didn't plan on coming, it was more a spur of the moment thing, and then I just decided to stay here." I told her, before sending a wink in Rachel's direction.

"Guess what mum?" Rach said, unable to contain her excitement as she looked between me and her mum, making me chuckle, and nod my head to tell her that it was fine to tell her mum when she gave me an uncertain look.

"You didn't?" Eve squealed, making Rachel beam, but only confusing me. She didn't what? "You asked her out." My confusion quickly disappeared as a grin took its place on my lips. Rachel had obviously spoken to her mum about me and how she was feeling.

"Actually, I asked her out." I admitted, watching as Eve once more walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me before letting go and wrapping her arms around her daughter, causing me to laugh at the whole situation.

Looking at us both, she smiled, "I always knew you two would end up together. You two are just perfect for each other, and me and Jayne have both been waiting for this day." She told us, referring to my mum. Why am I not surprised that they had already discussed the idea of Rachel and I being together.

Eve laughed once more before pulling Rachel into a tight hug. "Mum you're killing me." Rachel muttered, as she tried to push her overexcited mum away so she could finish the dinner.

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