Chapter Three

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Two hours of Drama had seemed like a lifetime before the bell rang out for lunch. I had spent most of my morning trying to track down Rachel and get her to talk to me, just so I could explain, or at the very least apologise. She had kept herself away from me all morning at hers while we got ready for school and then made sure she stuck to Molly and Jace before disappearing when we got into school.

It seemed that whilst I was looking to find her, she was doing her best to avoid me and luckily for her, she had the upper hand since we had different subjects in the morning.

Lunch meant I had a higher chance of finding her, though if she was determined to avoid me she probably could do so quite well in a school of this size and with the availability of her car. But luck seemed to be on my side for once as I saw her quickly turn the corner, in a hurry to get where she was going.

"Rach. Don't move!" I yelled at her, hoping that she might actually listen to me. However, just like her best friend, she was stubborn and chose to ignore me as she continued to make her way through the crowds of younger years. I chased after her, never letting her leave my sight, after pushing a couple of giggling year sevens out of my way I managed to grab a hold of her arm and drag to an empty corner of the hall.

"You've been avoiding me." It wasn't a question, more a statement, and I know it was true when her gaze shifted towards the floor, and she tucked a stray hair behind her ear. She didn't say anything in response, so I took this as my opportunity to apologise for what I did last night. "Rach, Last night I-"

"Hey Alex, you ready for our date tonight." Matt interrupted me, having managed to sneak up on the two without us noticing.

Groaning, I turned to face him, a frown on my face. "This isn't the time Matt, Rachel and I need to talk." I told him but looked at Rachel whose gaze came up to meet mine before she looked over at Matt.

Rachel forced a small smile as she shook her head at Matt, "It's fine Matt," She told him before looking back at me, her smile dropping when she noticed my unimpressed look, "I'll talk to you later Lex." She told me, though I didn't believe her words, but there was nothing I could do as she quickly walked away from where we were standing and joined the sea of students.

Letting out a sigh, I turned to Matt, my trademark smirk working it's way onto my lips as I ran my eyes the length of his body, "Hun, I'm always ready, just make sure you can keep up with me." I flirted, finishing with a wink.

Watching as his eyes widened slightly, and he opened his mouth to respond but quickly shut it, I let out a small laugh, trailed my hand lightly over his muscular chest and left him standing there while I set off to try and find Rachel once more.

Making the decision to head back to the sixth form library, I walked as quickly as I could and noticing, Molly was head of me walking alongside Jared, I decided to catch up to them to see if Rachel had said anything to her about where she might be.

Throwing my arm around Molly's shoulders, I greeted them "Hey Moll's. Jared." Molly greeted me by asking how my day had been while Jared ignored me and pulled Molly closer to him, protectively, so my arm fell from her shoulders. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his action, it was his way of saying she's mine and I don't plan on sharing her.

"Have you seen Rach?" I asked Molly, deciding to just ignore her pig of a boyfriend, he wasn't worth my time, nor Molly's for that matter.

Shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head she answered me, "No. Why, she avoiding you?" She laughed not really knowing how true it was.

"Something like that." I muttered. "Never mind. See you later Moll." I walked on a head of them, but stopped far enough away to turn round and blew Molly a kiss, mostly to wind up Jared, since it was so easy, and so much fun to do.

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