*Chapter 4*

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Harry woke up and felt around for Niall but he didn't feel the Irishman anywhere in the bed. He started to freak, but then he heard singing and smelt bacon so he assumed Niall was in the kitchen cooking. His heart melted at the thought.

As if he knew Harry was awake Niall came prancing into the bedroom. " Harry kitten, breakfast is ready," he didn't mean to say kitten but it slipped, so he was left to stand there blushing as the hybrid boy got out of bed.

They enjoyed breakfast, and for most of it, Harry was sitting on Niall's lap. That Harry Niall had thought so affectionate. It didn't bother him at all, though. The Irish bloke had to go to class, then he had work, but he didn't want to leave Harry alone at home. He couldn't take Harry to class, or to work. (He can he just wants to spend more time with Harry.)He could skip class and work and figure out what to do later.

He called his job and school, to call off sick. The tall hybrid boy had looked at Niall with a raised eyebrow. " Are you OK love you want me to make you some soup." He had said after Niall got off the phone. The boy just shook his head and lead Harry back to bed and promised himself he would finish his report on " Game Theory " later.

Niall woke up first again and rolled over and ended up on top of a very naked Harry Styles. And much to his surprise he only had on his boxers.
He sat up quickly a heavy blush covering his face, just then Harry woke up rubbing his eyes adorably. Niall felt as if he wanted to crawl in a hole and die but he also wanted to laugh. The moment was so ironically funny, Harry freaked out the way he did when he realized the position they were in then he began to laugh at how similar it was to the moment when they 'officially' met.

" Harry kitten why are we naked?" Harry immediately stopped laughing and begin to blush." I um w-wanted to cuddle and you had on too many clothes." The blonde raised his eyebrow." Why didn't you just wake me up?"

Harry went on to explain why he didn't want to wake him up because he looked exhausted.

Lou stopped by his apartment because the professor told him that Niall wasn't feeling well. He knocked on the door." Ding dong bitch the queen is here." Some of his neighbors looked out of their apartment glaring at Louis only to get the flipped off.

Harry came to the door in sweats that were once Niall's." Oh hey Louis I didn't know you were coming over." He let Lou inside just as Niall came out of his- well their room, as harry went in just to give the two some privacy" You feeling alright or did you just call in sick cause you wanted to snog Harry all day or maybe just fu-" He smacked his hand over his best friend's mouth before he could even finish his sentence.

"No, I just couldn't leave Harry alone in the house." Louis made a confused face." Why can't he go to his own house?" "It's a long story." Louis rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as if saying.' So I still want to know.' " I found Harry the other night he doesn't have a house to go back to," Niall paused for a second," he's a cat hybrid," His best mates eyes widen." Holy cow Ni do know how much trouble you can get in if he ran away?" "He says that his owner kicked him out and he has no collar so there's no way he ran away."

Louis looked at Niall with his eyebrows scrunched up. "So, no offense to Harry but he could have easily lied you can be so naive and gullible the type that would believe some bullshit sob story." Niall couldn't stand being there being lectured by his best friend that was supposed to be supporting him the whole way through," I'm just going to stop you right there Lou when have I ever fell for a sob story." " Last year when that guy dummied you out of twenty pounds, by telling you he was a few pounds short and he was trying to get to Wales so he could see his little girls again." Niall looked at his best mate with wide eyes." I believed him and since that day have you ever seen that guy again." "No but London is a very large place-" "Just stop Lou I'm not going to sit here and let you call me a fool," Lou was about to interrupt but Niall kept going," I can't do this with you, Lou, I'll see you at school."

With that he pushed Louis out the door, as soon as the door closed he broke down crying and Harry came out of their room and immediately went to Niall hugging him tightly.

And then Harry said the thing that made the whole world stop, "I would never hurt you, Niall, you're my world and heart." It wasn't a confession of love but damn it was just as perfect.

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