Chapter 12~ S..Shane?

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I woke up to the dull sound of the heart monitor beeping next to me. My back ached from the, hard as a rock, hospital bed. I groaned and sat up fully, my head was pounding. I looked around the room until i found the button to page the nurse. I pressed it repeatedly until a scowling woman walked into the room and yanked it from my hand, I chuckled and flashed my crooked smile at her. She didn't stay mad for long, she began to blush before speaking.

"you needed me?" she asked, her cheeks bright red like a strawberry. I nodded. "well..?" she asked, waiting for me to continue.

"why am i here, exactly?" I questioned. "I don't remember anything, other than i was driving to my boyfriend Shane's, i went to my friend Luke's instead.." i trailed off, remembering how Luke looked on the floor brought tears to my eyes, i cleared my throat and looked up at the nurse. She walked to my bed and sat down next to me.

"Hun, Your body tried to shut down from the amount of alcohol you had consumed" a puzzled look flashed across my face and i tilted my head slightly. 

"I drank half a bottle of wine." i said, confused. She nodded.

"Yes, but, you had so much alcohol damage in your body already, that even the slightest bit was deadly, we're just lucky you called 911 before passing out yourself" she said with a smile. 

Huh. I almost died..What a coincidence.. SHIT! Shane! I looked around the room to see if i could find a phone, and sure enough, there was one by my bedside. I grabbed it and looked back at the nurse

"could you excuse me?" i asked, she nodded and hurried out of the room. I dialed Shane's number and waited for him to pick up. The phone rang and rang with no answer, i began to grow worried, after the 5th time of it going to voice-mail, I noticed my phone setting on the bedside table, I grabbed it and saw i had a missed call from Shane, and a voice-mail. Fear grew at the bottom of my stomach as I hit the 'listen' button. 

Shane's voice sounded so pained. It hurt me to hear him speak. After his voice-mail i began balling. He thinks i was faking it.. He thinks i played a prank on him. This is all my fault.. If i wouldn't have drank when i went to Luke's, i could've called the police and then Shane to explain.. I felt horrible, but something wasn't sitting right with me. Why wasn't Shane answering the phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I got to Anthony, and hit 'call'

"Hello?" Anthony answered. 

"Anthony! I need you to go check on Shane. It's really important! I.. I think.." I began to whisper the last part "I think he tried to kill himself.." Anthony cleared his throat on the other end and agreed to go see Shane. My heart raced as i awaited the phone call from Anthony. 


After over an hour of waiting, my phone began to ring. YES ITS ANTHONY!! I fumbled around with my phone until i finally answered.  "yes? Anthony?!"

"J-Joey.." Anthony's voice sounded as if he had been crying, i began to worry, all i could hear was his sniffling. "Whats wrong Anthony?! Whats going on!?" I demanded, he whimpered before speaking.

"J-Joey..I.. I-m so s-sorry.." Tears formed in my eyes. "FOR WHAT DAMN IT!" i yelled. Anthony began sobbing.

"It's S-Sh-Shane.." my heart sank as i awaited the rest of Anthony's response.


I walked into the living room and kissed Kalel on the cheek before flopping down on the couch to mess around with my computer. I scrolled through my twitter and facebook, favoriting posts from fans, while Kalel watched TV. My phone started going off in my pocket, but i wasn't in the mood to answer, so i let it go to voicemail. After about three times of this, Kalel looked at me with an irritated expression. 

"Anthony, just answer your phone please." she said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone. Joey was calling.. But why? reluctantly, i answered. 

Joey sounded so panicked, he begged me to go check on shane, and i knew something had to be up, so i agreed to do it. I had always worried about shane, even if we weren't close, i didn't want him to kill himself, and by the way joey made things sound, that could be a possibility.

I tried to prepare myself for the worse as i drove to Shane's, but it wasn't happening. As i pulled into the driveway, i took a deep breath, and headed to the door. I knocked for about 5 minuets before just opening the door and letting myself in. I looked around in amazement at all the broken glass. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked around until finally i found Shane. 

He was lying on the bathroom floor, his arms had multiple deep cuts going down them, his skin was pale, and his pants had blood on them. I covered my mouth and walked closer to shane, noticing the broken mirror, I was so confused. I knealed down next to him and looked at his face, his eyes were shut, and his chest was barely moving. His lips were purple. I shakily grabbed my phone and dialed joey. I explained things as best i could until i started balling. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do in a situation like this. 

Joey was freaking out and crying too. Finally i got him to shut up so i could call 911. I was so worried. Once off the phone with the police, i grabbed shane and carried him, the best i could, into the living room. I sat on the ground by the front door and laid his head on my lap. I didn't want Joey to lose Shane, they had both been through so much, it was hard for me to handle this, joey would be a wreck. 

Just as i began to lose my train of thought, paramedics burst through the doors, grabbed shane up, put him on the stretcher, and loaded him into the ambulence. I wanted to go with him, but Kalel was angrily texting me to get home, so i reluctantly went back to our apartment to wait it out. 


I was so worried about Shane, Anthony didn't go into detail about what was wrong, all i knew is that he looked dead. I was sobbing into my pillow when i heard loud shouting in the hallway. I stood and walked to the door to see doctors rushing down the hallway with a strethcher. As they rushed by me i looked down on the pale, bloody man that lied on the bed. That man. Was my Shane. I gasped, what have i done?! first i kill Luke, then i have Shane attempt suicide once again?! what kind of horrible person am I?! I began sobbing uncontrollably as i lied back down on my bed. How could this happen.

As the minuets turned into almost 2 hours, I began to worry more and more. This was all my fault.. If shane doesn't make it out alive, I don't know what i'll do.. Or.. Yes. I actually do know. I can't live without shane.. I WONT live without shane.. If he doesn't come through this alive, then neither will i. 


DUN DUH DUNNNN! Well guys c: i hope you suffer from this cliffhanger. >:3

this was actually a really intense chapter for me. It may not seem like it, but it was very hard to write. It's emotional even though i'm the writer. haha. It took a lot of thinking to figure out how to word this chapter and how to make anthony fit in, and just. ugh. haha. I love you guys. 

I just want to say thank you to all of you who are leaving your sweet comments and inspiring me to write more :) all your comments really mean the world to me, and I am so glad people are reading this.. It already has 41 votes all together.. so thank you guys so much for voting and commenting. I really enjoy my writing, and i am really really glad other people do too! you guys are awesome and i love you all <3<3 

Leave a comment telling me what you guys think about this chapter c: what do YOU think is gunna happen next?c; until next time!

May the odds be ever in YOUR favor, GOODBYE xx. <3<3<3<3

 p.s. you dont have to, but if you want, some of you guys can follow me on here c: okay. love ya! byeah!

The odds are DEFINITELY in MY favor (a shane dawson and Joey Graceffa Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now