Chapter 22~ Reunited

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I sat patiently awaiting Joey. I was so excited to have my Joey back. I rushed around the house trying to clean things up a bit for him, hopping in the shower and then shaving my face. I smelt. WONDERFUL. Just as I finished getting dressed, I heard a faint knock at the front door. I ran down the hallway, throwing the door open to see my beautiful Jojo. He smiled shyly at me biting his lip as he looked to the ground. He looked so freaking cute. I grabbed his hand, causing him to look up into my eyes, his usual light emerald green eyes were dark and filled with hunger, but what he hungered for I couldn't tell. 

"I missed you Jojo..." I whispered. 

He smiled at me, his cheeks turning bright red. 

"I missed you too." He said with a fucking adorable giggle. 

He looked back to the ground, a sad expression spreading across his face. 

"I'm sorry Shane... For everything.. For everything I did to you, for leaving in the first place....everything." He said.

Pain shot through my heart when tears rolled down his cheeks. I lifted his chin up with my finger and gently kissed the tip of his nose, earning another giggle. I grabbed his hand again and pulled him into the house, shutting the door behind him and pressing his beautiful body against the wall, kissing him hungrily. We stayed like that for quite some time before he pulled away, gasping. I blushed and bit my lip.

"Heh.. sorry." I whispered.

Joey smiled evily, shaking his head as he grabbed my hand, giggling as he pulled me down the hallway and to the bedroom, winking at me before pulling me into the room and shutting the door.


Once I was sure Shane was asleep, I carefully rolled out of bed and tiptoed down the hallway to the kitchen. I grabbed the milk from the fridge, pouring a small cup before looking for a late night snack. It was almost 4 In the morning, but I couldn't sleep. It felt strange being with Shane again, but a good strange. I could hear Shane talking in the bedroom, so I rushed in to see if he was alright. Luckily, he was just talking in his sleep. I smiled down at him when I saw his adorable expression, he was smiling but his lips were parted slightly. Just as I was about to turn and tiptoe out of the room, Shane started talking in his sleep.

"I love you Joey." He mumbled. 

"I love you too Shane Dawson..." I whispered. 

I loved Shane more than anything.. He is my entire world.. I just couldn't believe we had gotten this far together, between break ups, cheating... ugh. I was so lucky. How could he stay with me?? As if he was reading my mind, Shane groaned and sat up.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He said, smiling his same adorable smile. 

I smiled back at him, kissing his cheek.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Yeah." I grumbled.

He gave an empathetic smile before pulling me down next to him. He cuddled into my chest, and was soon snoring away again. I smiled down at him, kissing the top of his head before closing my eyes and falling back to sleep. 


Joey and I were both very reluctant to get out of bed in the morning, especially after he didn't get to sleep until almost 5 am. As we sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast, joey began to speak, hitting me with something I had almost forgot.

"so, since we broke up, should I ask you to marry me again?" He asked.

I smiled and began to blush.

"I.. uh... You don't HAVE to ask again...." I said, even though i kinda wanted him to.

He chuckled and nodded.

"alrighty." Was all he said.

I watched him eat, shoving food into his mouth like he had been starved for the last few months. I smiled at my eggs, thinking about how i stole my Joey back really boosted my self esteem. Once breakfast was over, we showered together, got dressed, and headed out. We needed to go grocery shopping. I sat in the car while Joey was getting dressed, sighing in frustration. he takes longer than LISA used to to get ready... I shook the thought of her from my mind. Finally joey ran out the front door and hopped into the passengers seat, turning on the radio and cranking it up. I was driving a little too fast, but i didn't care. After we had barely gotten down the road, the song, Call Me Maybe came on, making joey giggle. I turned it up and we started shouting the lyrics. We may not like the song, but what the heck we were having fun. So what?  We began to goof off, my attention slowly turning from the road to joey, who was moving his whole upper body like a weirdo.

"BUT HERE'S MY NUMBER" he shouted

"SO CALL ME MAYBE!" I shouted back.

I don't remember quite what Joey did to make me laugh, but It had to be hilarious, because I was howling with laughter, my eyes closed. The next thing I heard was a car horn, blaring insanely. Joey screamed, causing my eyes to shoot open. I had drifted into the other lane. The car was coming head on, and before I could react, we collided. Everything moved in slow motion, glass shattering everywhere, screaming, the car rolling... The last thing I heard before going unconscious, was the sound of sirens.


20 minutes later:


When I opened my eyes I was out of the car and lying on a stretcher. I looked around me for Joey but I couldn't see him anywhere. I tried to sit up and yell, but a paramedic pushed me down, telling me I could not move. I felt the hot tears rolling down my cheeks, I could feel the stinging of cuts on my face, and my entire body was full of pain. I could hear a woman talking to the police, telling them what had happened. I saw our car, nearly just scrap metal by now, and hers. Her car hadn't rolled, it hit the corner of ours, causing ours to roll instead. I heard her tell the officer that she was sure there had been two passengers. What? She was sure? Do they not know where joey is? I began to panic, and as the paramedic turned his back, I threw myself off the stretcher, ignoring all pain shooting through me, and ran to the officer.

"WHERE IS HE?!" I shouted.

He gave me a careful look.

"sir, we only found you... We haven't seen another passenger..."

Tears were flowing more than before. I shoved past the police officer, running around the broken car, looking everywhere. Next to the car, was a field. I ran towards it, shouting for joey. As I came back towards the pavement, I saw a body, lying face down in the grass. 

"I FOUND HIM" I shrieked. 

The police and paramedics rushed over to where I was, on my knees. I grabbed Joeys limp body and turned him around. His face was covered in gashes and has pieces of glass in it, his shirt was torn all to hell, and his skin was nearly purple. I cried into his bloody chest, screaming for him to wake up, but i got no response. I watched in horror as the paramedics checked for a pulse. The last thing I remember before fainting, was the paramedic looking up at me, sadness in their eyes, and shaking his head slightly..


Hello all you beautiful readers C: what did you think of the chapter? hmmmm. Cliffhanger! dun dun DUNNNNNN!

Anyway c: I was told to update so that is what I have done ^-^ I hope you enjoyed! new chapter up on Monday <3 Love you guys!

May the odds be ever in YOUR favor....GOODBYE!!!! xxxx <3 <3 <3 <3

The odds are DEFINITELY in MY favor (a shane dawson and Joey Graceffa Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now