Chapter 1- MARK TREVOR WATE!!!

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So, this is NOT a crappy mystery nor fiction book. It does talk about romance and action but don't all books do that? Anyways we'll start at the beginning or at least when Silver ran into her supposedly dead best friend.

*June 30th 2010*

Whoa, close call! They almost got me. I HAVE to be more careful. Oh, and by they, I mean the people after me. I don't actually know what they want from me but they have been following me since Detroit. Which TOTALLY wasn't MY fault.

I'm betting they knew my parents because whenever I change my sea green eyes to blue or brown like my parents taught me they always know it's me. Hmmmm.... maybe I should capture one and interrogate him or her. You know what I should do during that? GET ICE CREAM!! Mm.. I'm a sucker for Thin Mint ice cream. So what was I saying? Dam ADD. Anyways, I'm in Nashville, Tennessee at the Parthenon. I love the architecture of it.

Anyways I bet y'all are wondering why I'm on the run. Yes I'm from the South. Shut up. Five years ago my parents and I had gone to the beach for my twelfth birthday. When we had got there a large earthquake happened and once my parents knew I was in a safe place they rushed to help the people on the beach. They didn't see the Tsunami coming. No one did. Today is my seventeenth birthday and the anniversary of their deaths. I really miss them... ya know?

"Hello Darkness, my old friend."

A British voice chuckled in my ear. I automatically turned around and punched the chest of my old best friend.


Okay so my good pal TherealGamergeek told me to put this on to Wattpad. Thank you for that suggestion!


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