Chapter 2- Ma'am?

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*June 30th 2005*

"Are we there yeeeettttt?" Twelve year old Silver whined playfully.

"For the last time Silver! We have five more miles to go!" My mother, Gracie rolled her eyes. I could tell that I was getting on her last nerve. "You are too much like your dad Silver."

Awwwww Gracie! You wound me!" My dad, Felix grinned and gassed it.

"FELIXX!!" My mother laughingly scolded him. My parents loved each other so much.

Too bad it couldn't last.


Mark chuckled and I laughed. "Oh my gosh! I got you good!"

I frowned and pouted. "No fair. I wasn't paying attention."


"I'm sorry to inform you that your parents and Mark Wate have perished."


My smile dropped instantly.

"I was told you died Marki." I said in a choked whisper.

As Mark's smile dropped too he whispered "I'm sorry. I told them to tell you I was alive."

As tears poured down my face I whispered "I'm sorry too Marki." I sprinted away from him and ran and ran until I couldn't. 'Lo and behold I was at a bus station by the time I stopped running.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" There was suddenly a firm grip on my shoulder so I turned around and punched who ever it was right square in the jaw.

"OW!" It turned out to be a totally abashed and slightly bruised police officer.

"Sorry! Oh god! Are you ok?" I gasped and tilted his head to see the bruise.

"It's ok." He chuckled in a deep voice.

"Are you sure?"

"Are you questioning me? A police officer?!" He said jokingly.

I blushed anyway though. "No, I'm not."

He chuckled again and I shivered. "What's your name Ma'am? If that's OK and if you won't punch me again."

"Silver Danse. And you sir?" I said. Awww. He's so adorable. And hot....

"Gabriel Plath." The bus rumbled into sight as he said his name.

"Sorry. Gotta go before the bus leaves without me." I said standing up from me being crouched over him.

"Ok. Miss Danse? Please take this if you are in trouble." Gabriel pleaded holding out a card.

I took the card and waved at him before getting on the bus.

What do you guys think about Gabriel? Do comment of I spelled something wrong or if you guys have an idea. If I like the idea I will tag who came up with it!


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