Beyond this world

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Beyond this world ,

lie dreams unrevealed,

memories uncherished,

feelings unspoken,

And they are so real,

In our hearts, our own worlds.

Beyond this world,

A language unknown,

Is spoken as 'truth',

A thought unthought,

In our hearts, our own, safe worlds

I dream a world,

beyond this one.

MY mind and soul go together,

As a mixed feeling of peace and love.

just, in my dreams it lies,

In my heart, my own, safe world. 

Hi, guys! This is the first poem I wrote in May 2015. So, it's quite raw... But please vote and comment... Motivate me to write more.. Pleaasee....

Bye, lots of love,


Whirl Of ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon