Regina George/ Janis Ian: Something Missing Pt.1

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Janis sat down sighing. She looked over at her friend Regina. With her perfect hair, perfect face, perfect figure. Just perfect. Kevin hugged Janis closer.

Janis felt a little bit guilty that she didn't feel the same about Kevin as he did about her. It's just... Well Janis didn't know how to explain it. Something was missing. But what was it? Kevin was nice, okay looking, not a complete jerk.

Regina groaned. Why was she the only one out her friend single? Even Karen had a boyfriend. Regina looked over at Janis. Janis had changed since last year. She had her normal brown hair, better clothes and wore light make up. Regina had to admit Janis did look pretty.

Regina tried to stop thinking about how depressingly single she was. After all, she was a strong independent person. She didn't need a man in her life. But even Janis looked happy with her new boyfriend. Why was it that Regina hated Kevin's guts? Regina forgot but she was sure it was something important.

Cady looked on annoyed with Janis and Regina. They were her best friends. But sometimes they were so oblivious. It was obvious they were perfect for each other. Janis and Kevin were an okay couple. But Cady was sure Kevin had a thing for that girl Samantha.

Why was Cady the only one seeing the sexual tension? Seriously, Regina would bring the controlling side in Janis while Janis would bring out Regina's nice side. It would be perfect. Oh well, if they were to wimpy to do it themselves Cady would just have to help. Either that or fangirl so hard she died.

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