Chapter Six

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After a while roaming the ship looking for Carter I decide to head to the cabin, Maybe she is there. I look at the deck and see that it says g and I need to go to deck 13. Oh no I thought I'm lost. I keep walking down the deep, dark, cold hallway. Finally I saw a light and thought somehow I made it back to the light of day. Once I get really close I notice it was the shaft entrance. Maybe I thought that I can take a short cut.

I open the big, black, metal heavy door and closed it with a thud. Echoing down the shaft I started climbing up it. The shaft goes all the way down to the bowels of the ship. The ladder is slippery and cold. My fancy flats now covered in grease. Gradually I move up each level to where the shaft ends, it was level D. I open the shaft door and again it close with a thud, sending echoes .Into the hallway I start walking, I smell and look horrible.

"Hey you!"


"Oh no" I say quietly

"You are the one that was in the cargo hold."

"Yes and I'm sorry about that well I better go."

I dash out of there and run back to the shaft. I opened the door and forget about the big hole for a ladder. I start falling, my arms clawing at the air

"Help, Help!"

Then all of the sudden someone caught my hand. I thought thank god for someone saving me. He grabbed me by my arms and pull me up.

"Are you are alright my dear."

"Yes I am and thank you for saving me."

"Your welcome."

"Be careful next time you go shaft climbing." He said half laughing.

"Oh I will."

He walk me back to my stateroom after I told him where we are staying. I open the door and Carter was their tapping her foot.

"Oh there you are Peggy you were gone for over 3 hours."

"Sorry I fell down the shaft."


"Oh I'm fine."

"Okay then time to get ready for dinner." She says skeptically


Since it was Sunday I put on my fanciest dress and put on my heels and pearls. I have on a pink ruffle dress with mint green splashed in. My pearls are a shiny white. Carter is dressed in a white gown that kisses the floor, we are ready to go.

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