Chapter Seven

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Once again we walk down the Grand Staircase. As we get closer to the dining room we can hear the loud noises of plates clanking and people talking. You can hear many types of languages; English, Spanish, French. Again everyone is talking about the Titanic going at top speed. Tony is telling us about his family fortune.

The china we are eating off of was so delicate. It has a gold rim and faint pink roses on it. The glasses are clear crystal. We finish our equisetic salmon with poached eggs and strawberry cheesecake. I couldn't wait to have pork tomorrow with asparagus.

We all decide to go to the ballroom to go dancing. The ballroom was huge it had big fancy chandeliers. Classical music is playing loudly. Carter, Natasha and I switched off with Tony, Steve and Clint. The ballroom is packed with people. The feeling of being spun around and being dipped made me feel weight less.

We dance till 9:00 pm; we say our goodbyes and walk back to our staterooms. Carter and I fall right to sleep. The ships movement was soothing. At about 11:40 I wake up to a bump. I thought to myself did I only hear it.

"Hey Carter did you hear that."

"Peggy, I'm trying to sleep."

"Okay, Okay."

I put on my slippers and decide to take a nightly walk. I put on my Shaw so I don't freeze to death. The hallways were dark and freezing. The deck was quiet and freezing too, as I turn the corner people were throwing ice. I stop dead in my tracks, Ice? I thought why is there is ice. I asked the boys what going on; they respond by saying we hit any iceberg. I quickly walk back to the stateroom.

"Hey Carter wake up, I think we hit an iceberg."

Just after I say that whole ship went quiet, the engine stops. When Carter hears that she gets out of her berth. She puts on her Shaw and slippers; we open the door to our cabin and leave. The hallways were dead silent. A officer opens the door hastily and runs inside. I shrug at Carter, what's his problem. We walk through the door before it closes.

The boys were still there playing with the ice, we pass by them Carter stares at them intently. The deck was freezing; we should have just stayed inside. We walk along the starboard side of the bow. The deck felt weird, 2 men are talking in a hushed voice.

"The iceberg hit the Titanic in the hull but it was too late to close the watertight compartments #4 and #6. The water is rising quickly."

"Well what does Captain Edward doing about it?"

"He is told that we are only able to stay afloat for a couple of hours. Captain wants us to radio for help."

We learned that the Titanic was unsinkable, wasn't it?

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