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Right. So I've been tagged again by my esteemed fellow writers @KingBritain and @h_coyle
This time I have to write a one hundred word scary short story. So here goes:

The door looms, a yawning gateway to horror. I step through. The cold tiles send shivers down my spine. I don't want to do this, but I have to.

The instrument of my doom awaits, beckoning. I hesitate. I can't. But I need to know. My foot lifts, swings forward. I'm committed.

I close my eyes, swallow, then look down. It's worse, so much worse than I thought. The pain! It threatens to tear me apart.

A single tear as the number swims before my eyes. 5! 5 pounds up!

I run from the bathroom, vowing never to eat again.

Yea okay. I know this isn't horror but I was short on the good stuff and this 'horror' is what came to mind since it hapoens to me quite often!

Anyway, hope it was good for a laugh and I nominate MickyNeilson timwsmith
Sorry I don't have 10 to nominate right now.

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