Chapter 3

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I ran though the forest, sprinting as fast as I could until I got there. I felt a weight lift off of me as I got to the doors and the kid wasn't there but soon after I started walking back another weight pushed itself onto my shoulders, what would they all think? Alphys, Toriel, Undyne, and most of all Papyrus, what would I tell them? The kid isn't even here yet and everything getting so hectic, I saw our humble abode come into view and noticed that the lights were still on. I thought about teleporting to my room but I knew that was just delaying the inevitable, they were going to find out but they wont remember next cycle so my secret was kept relatively safe.

"SANS, THERE YOU ARE!" My brother yelled, a large amount of commotion came from the house as everyone from earlier came out, they all stayed apparently but as soon as I got close to my home Paps gave me a big hug making me quite happy before he set me down and brought me into the living room where Undyne was just staring at me.

"What?" I asked, looking at her, she seemed completely stumped and it almost made me laugh but I knew that if I did she would want to battle me.

"How did you... What the... Wha.... Huh?" Undyne stumbled over her words which is not a thing you see often so I let out an easy laugh at this but surprisingly she just starred at me and glowered, she said nothing more.

"BROTHER I THINK EVERYONE HERE HAS MANY QUESTIONS FOR YOU." I sighed, this was a timeline I hadn't experienced before and I had to admit that it was quite nice to have them all alive.

"Okay... Shoot." I said, preparing for their questions as I was sat next to my brother on the sofa with Undyne next to me and Alphys and Toriel sat on chairs someone had probably gotten them from the kitchen.

"Umm, how is teleportation possible? I know that some of the greatest royal guards tried it but they ended up disfigured or worse, how does it work?" Alphys asked, she had taken out a notepad and a pencil and seemed very intrigued but before I could answer Papyrus interrupted.


"I couldn't tell you earlier given you would-" I cut my felt off, I cant tell them yet, they aren't ready.

"What is it?" Asked Toriel, tilting her head cautiously at me as everyone seemed to lean in to hear what I had to say.

"Nothing, I-It's nothing." I said, Papyrus didn't seem to take the hint to well though.

"WHAT IS IT BROTHER? IS SOMETHING WRONG?" He asked, I chuckled a little.

"Nah, I'm just tired. I can talk to you all in the morning if you want." I said, everyone nodded and decided to come back at 9:00 the next morning. A few minutes later everyone had left and it was just me and Pap, I wasn't too terribly hungry but I sat and ate some pasta just because its easier to sleep when you're full.

"SO, HOW DOES IT WORK BROTHER?" I heard Papyrus exclaim in his normal recklessly optimistic tone.

"Well, uh..." Was I really ready to tell him, and was he ready to hear it? I didn't know so I decided to wish him a goodnights rest and go up to bed. I stripped myself of my clothes, deciding to sleep in only my boxers that night. So I removed my beloved hoodie, hanging it up and then I plopped my head down on my bed, landing on the pillows and wrapping myself up in my cozy blankets as I warmed up, fell asleep soon after but knowing I would work on my machine tomorrow no matter what, I had to.

I awoke to the sound of chatter the next morning, it sounded like everyone was there, most likely waiting for me. I got up from my warm nest of blankets and quickly put on my shorts and looked in the mirror, I sighed and examined the scar in my bones where that kid slashes me before game over. I remember every time its happened, and I remember how many timed Pap's been killed too, from the left upwards to the right, thats exactly how the scar was planted on my bones.

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