Chapter 1.1

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That is the 1st thing I hear. The annoying beeping sound of my alarm clock at 6 in the morning, my first day of school (here at least). It really bugs me to no end, the constant sound, again and again. Beep, bbep, beep.

Let me explain my name is Alexis and I am 15. All my life has been spent in one foster home or another, most of which were not great places, not for me at least. I would end up running away most of the time, if I wasn't kicked out first that is. What was I running from? I was running from the dark, running from myself, running from what I can do, running from all of it. I was running from my life.

"Stop thinking of that." I say to myself, "You must focus on getting ready and making it through the day. Be ready to impress or at least not draw to much attention and leave an impression, or whatever." Most say that is easy enough but not for me, never for me. I always have to be careful especially with them around, not to mention with what I can do.

Why I ended up in Idaho of all places is still a mystery. All I know was that something has all ways been telling me to come here. This pull in my gut, saying i was needed here. It got so bad that I couldn't ignore it anymore so here I am, in the good old potato state, wondering what the heck is so important.

Hopfully things won't be to bad and I can have some peace. Maybe I can make some actual friends here to. Maybe.......

Hey guys Nymph here. So I finally worked up the currage to publish my 1st chapter. The picture up top is of Alexis and what she wears during her 1st day.




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