Chapter 2.2 (Alexis POV)

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   Why wasn't she suspended or expelled? Why was even near her in the first place? How did the fire really start? I mean it was just like a ragging wildfire, tearing across the cafeteria,  with no smoke.  That along with my experience, is why I don't believe the official story. It's just to convenient to be true.

    The official story from the schools biggest 'teachers pet' and total 'good girl'. She accidentally got a very flammable tray and drink. A few delinquents came over to try and get her to smoke. When she fought them off, telling them to back off and leave her alone, someone dropped a lighter that was light. What is worse is that the fire alarms didn't go off as soon as they should have because there was no smoke,  at all.  I mean what kind of fire doesnt havw smoke with it,  esspecialy a rageing wildfire. Someone had to actually physically pull the fire alarm,  which just created more panic then there already was at that point.

  Strange doesn't even begin to cover it. I knew before coming here that strange things tend to happen but never this bad. It's like a whole new level of weird just suddenly appeared. Like what was up with that freak windstorm this morning, or the lightning that appears out of nowhere at random times. Now that I think about it these things happened after I got here,  or at least where more often and powerful after I arrived.

   "You're probably the cause of all this" says my annoying inner voice of reason. Although I hate that voice it is most likely right. It wouldn't be the first time I have caused something like this to happen.

     I say this only because coincidences aren't a thing in my life, never has and never will.


I am home right now because everyone was let out of school after the fire. Good thing for me and not for the reasons you think.

You see before I went home this afternoon I saw that thing, that shadow again. I also saw a group of kids (Lucie, Rissa, the flirty jock, annoying photographer, a red headed girl and 2 other guys) looking like they were arguing. The craziest part was the girl was right were the fire was and she didn't get hurt at all,  the delinquents did but not her.

Something was defiantly going on and I feel she, like they are right in the middle of it. I had a new personal mission, find out everything about them and what they know.

This is going to be fun.


Hey peoples, Nymph here again.  Hope you enjoyed my mystery chapter. Until all the characters are introduced there will be more to clarify things up. If not specified who's view point the chapter will be in it is the POV of Alexis. Also please let me know what you guys think. I enjoy all feedback as i feel it helps me as a writer. Until next time Nymph is out. 

PS am trying to figure out a schedule so I update more regularly.

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