Chapter 4.2 (Seika POV)

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I ran. I ran as far as I could go, straight into the woods. My safe spot, our safe spot. The only place we are free to be ourselves. Of course that is not why I'm here now. No, I am here to hide.

STUPID NEW GIRL!!!!!!!!! Why can't she just stay out of my business? Why did she have to get involved? She has nothing to do with anything. Why is she even here in the first place?

STUPID BULLIES!!!!!!!!! Why did they have to pick a fight with me in the first place? What did I do to make them interested in me (before hand)?

STUPID FRIENDS!!!!!!!!! Is it to much to ask for them to have helped me? For them to understand? I mean they know what it's like. They know how uncontrollable our powers can be. And how much our emotions reflect our powers. All of this could have been avoided, if they had just helped me in the first place.

I was so lost in my thought that I didn't realize that I had made it, or that she had gotten in, that she was following me still. If I had noticed it could have helped with what happened next.

Hey guys, it's me again. Sorry for the long silence on my part. Things have been a bit hectic in my life lately. No excuse though. Any way sorry for the super short chapter. This is just a little insight from another character. Next chapter will be up by next Saturday. Bye Lovelies ;)

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