3:57 P.M.

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Isra's head ached like someone had hit her with a hunk of brimstone. She was groggy and far too warm for her own liking. She winced and felt the rough texture of concrete scrape against her cheek. Her eyes pried themselves open to survey the situation she'd managed to get herself into. The first things she saw were metal bars.

Not good.

Last thing she remembered, she was in Camille's bed and Seth had just arrived. Now she was in a damn cage or cell of some kind. How the hell did this happen?

"Morning, Sunshine."

Isra cringed at the sound of Seth's voice. A growl formed deep in her throat as she pushed herself up onto one arm and searched for her captor. He was sitting in a leather recliner watching television on the opposite side of the room.

Where was she? There were no windows —— just solid stone walls. Surely this wasn't his apartment. Who kept jail cells in their own homes? Michael's warriors were too discrete for that.

Damn, damn, damn.

This was not the way things were supposed to go. The real Camille chuckled deep inside of her, mocking her situation. The grumble of displeasure in her throat grew louder, drowning out the contemptuous laughter of her host.

"If you keep growling like a rabid dog, I'll shoot you with my tranquilizer gun."

Isra immediately silenced the sound and rubbed her upper arm self-consciously. She was still sore where he'd stuck her earlier with the needle. She should've seen that coming. He was no amateur. Seth had disrupted her entire seduction, and now she'd need to start over under less than ideal circumstances.

She took a deep breath to center her mind and begin the game once again. "Where have you taken me?" She spoke now in Camille's soft, confused voice.

Seth rose from his chair and made his way over to her. He grabbed a folding chair from nearby and placed it a few feet from her cage. He flopped down into it, surveying her for a moment before crossing his arms over his chest with satisfaction. "Someplace where no one can hear your screams for the next..." he glanced over his shoulder at a red countdown clock on the wall, "thirteen hours or so."

A lump formed in Isra's throat as the clock counted the seconds away. This was bad. Very bad. She was locked in a cell, and her only way out was to seduce the man who held the key. So far, she hadn't been doing that well. She had to turn up the heat or her reception back to Hell would be less than grand.

She needed to switch tactics. She dropped Camille's voice for her own throaty one. "Are you going to make me scream?" she asked suggestively. She rose onto her hands and knees and crawled across the stone floor to the bars like a slinky feline.

"Perhaps." Seth leaned toward her.

"Mmmmm..." she purred. "I want to make you scream, too." Isra pulled herself up and pressed her breasts against the cell wall. The satin blouse she'd chosen from Camille's closet was slinky enough for the full mounds to slide easily in between the iron bars. Her hips surged forward, her pelvis straining against the confines of her cage.

"I'm sure you do," he said.

She watched Seth's reaction as she moved her body. His green-gold eyes took in everything. His square jaw flexed as he swallowed hard and balled his hands into fists. No man could resist her otherworldly charms. She brought her fingers to her lips, kissing them, then blowing the kiss towards him. With the air was mingled a seductive pheromone only a succubus could concoct.

Isra waited a moment for the chemicals to swirl around him. Once he breathed her in, she would be hard to deny. "Will you let me?" She smiled coyly and licked her lips. "Unlock this cage and I'll do things to you that you've only ever dreamed of. Things that would make the old Camille blush in embarrassment."

Sexy as Hell: A More Than Men NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now