5:10 P.M.

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Just one more of many reasons she had to fight to stay on Earth —— pizza. Isra inhaled the food Seth offered. It was everything he said it was, even if it had cooled slightly by the time she got her hands on it. She could tell there was more left in the kitchen and she wanted another piece. Camille's body needed the fuel if she was going to remain strong enough to achieve her goals.

"Can I have another piece?" She shouted across the room at Seth. He'd stomped off after her imperfectly timed interruption. She had to admit, she got a little joy from it. If he was going to toy with her, it was only fair she toyed with him. Now he was back in his recliner, watching a cable news show and doing his damnedest to ignore her.

"Seth!" she yelled, but he didn't budge.

Focusing her attention on the television again, she flipped the channel, this time to one of the pornography stations. The newscaster was quickly replaced by two women devouring each other in a steamy spa.

Seth poked his head around the edge of the chair and scowled at her under his heavy dark eyebrows. Isra could already see the answer was no, but if he didn't want to watch some girl-on-girl action, he needed to pay attention to her.

"Camille is still hungry," she added innocently.

With a grunt of displeasure, Seth slammed the footrest down and stomped over to the kitchen. He muttered something about tranquilizers and lesbians under his breath, but Isra didn't care. She just wanted another slice of Heaven. Then, her tummy full, she could refocus on her mission.

He paused with the plate outside her cell. "The television," he said.

The channel flipped back to the news station. "A pity." She shrugged. "It was just starting to get good between those two."

"Here." He thrust the piece through the bars.

"My host thanks you ever so much," Isra mocked with a smile, snatching the plate away and retreating protectively to the corner of her cell to eat it.

When the pizza was gone she opted to take a power nap. Demons didn't sleep the way humans did, but when they took a host, they needed to give the body time to recuperate. It wasn't her body, but if she wanted to keep it beyond the next few hours, she needed to take care of it.

Isra took off her shirt and wadded it up in a ball under her head. She closed her eyes and within seconds, she was in a deep, unnatural asleep.

When she opened her eyes sometime later, she felt thoroughly refreshed. She sat up and stretched, working out all the kinks from lying on the cold stone floor. The room was quiet, the television off. Isra couldn't see Seth, but she assumed that he, too, fell asleep.

The clock on the wall caught her attention —— she had a little more than ten hours left.

A sly thought crept into her brain as she rose to her feet. She stood on her tiptoes to catch a glimpse of her sleeping captor in his chair. Isra grinned with satisfaction as her next course of action took form in her mind.

Quickly and quietly, she removed the rest of her clothes and knelt down in the center of her cell. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Her breathing fell into a slow and easy rhythm as her hands slid up and down her bare thighs in time with it.

A heat started radiating from between her legs, the warmth spreading through her whole body. The rush of arousal overtook her —— her nipples hardened, her cheeks and chest growing flush. Tiny beads of perspiration began forming on her skin. Her irresistible pheromones grew stronger as she became more aroused, the seductive scent no doubt making its way to where Seth was sleeping.

Sexy as Hell: A More Than Men NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now