One Week Later

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Seth opted to celebrate his newfound mortality by immediately contracting the flu. No sooner had Michael torn up their contract, he started to sneeze. It was startling, after so many years of immunity, but proof positive that he was once again his own man. He'd take a few days in bed in exchange for freedom.

Michael seemed all too pleased to terminate their deal in the height of cold and flu season. It was just one more reason Seth was glad to be rid of the smug bastard. He might be an angel, but he could be a dick, too.

He had hoped to start looking for a job, to begin settling into the real world, but a hundred and two fever knocked him on his ass harder than any demon he'd ever run across. His whole life was put on hold, but the most painful part was that he couldn't see Camille until he was well again.

He'd waited months to touch her, unsure if she could cope with his complicated life. Then he couldn't have her without risking death. They spent one incredibly hot night together and then he got sick. For the next few days, he would have to be happy with the memories of her naked, writhing body seared into his brain.

Seth did see Camille. She came by his apartment a few times with homemade chicken noodle soup and medicine. But she didn't stay long or come close enough for him to touch her. It was agonizing. More so than the throbbing in his head or the fire in his throat.

Fortunately, the virus had run its course. And tonight, he was taking Camille out on the date he'd promised. He put on his sharpest suit and knocked on her apartment at exactly six-thirty.

Camille answered the door in a tight, form-fitting red dress and sky-high heels. It wasn't trashy; cut too low or with a hemline too short, but it clung to each delicious curve, sending his mouth to watering.

"Wow," he said. "Are you sure you want to go to dinner?"

Camille pushed at his chest to move him back into the hallway so she could close the door behind her. "Yes. We have to at least go on one real date before we have sex again."

"If you insist." Seth slipped his arm around her waist and escorted her down the hallway. At the moment he was wishing he hadn't selected such a nice restaurant to make their reservations. It had a multi-course menu that took far longer to consume than a regular meal. He'd delayed touching her bare skin by at least two hours. Right now, he wished they could find a drive-thru burger joint and come back to her place.

But he resisted. Camille deserved a nice evening out after everything she went through because of him. And he was looking forward to wooing her. He hadn't taken a relationship past the physical in a very, very long time. This was his first chance to build a life, start a family, and settle into his new and limited existence.

It didn't take long to get to the restaurant. After they ordered and the sommelier brought their first wine selection, Camille excused herself to go to the ladies' room.

Seth waited patiently, sipping his wine. It was less than a minute later that he felt an awareness of being watched. It wasn't quite the same as Michael's presence. But it was most certainly otherworldly. Being mortal again hadn't stripped him of his experience.

He looked up to see a young, leggy brunette and an older man walking toward him. They were on their way out of the restaurant. As they neared the table, the woman whispered into the man's ear. He eyed Seth for a moment, nodded and continued walking out of the restaurant alone.

Seth didn't recognize the brunette until she bent into the candlelight of his table and reached out to stroke his face. Her eyes were an unmistakable shade of pink, a wicked grin curling her bright red lips.


Before he could react, she leaned in and kissed him. He braced himself for the assault, but it didn't come.

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