Chapter 1

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7:17 am, Monday, May 7
I was peacefully sleeping into my new home I moved into a few weeks ago. Until five million alarms were like ringing, just kidding, it was two. Before I tell you about my life, let's talk about me. My name is Kairin Sun-Hee, known more as Kairin though. I am 16 years old, I live in a Busan, South Korea- and I was adopted by a family of 4. One mom, one father, one brother, one sister. Now, it's 5. Sometimes they can get annoying for being concerned about me so much, but atleast they care for me.

When I was 4 years old, still with my old mother, a long time ago. I was with my family on a picnic, with my big brother, Seokjin laying down looking at the clouds. I looked at him and decided to lay down next to him. He looked at me and smiled. "I love you, Jinjin, you know that right?" I sat up and waved a hand to his face, to see if he was listening. "Yes I do, I love you too." He said back, I wish we were the same. Years after, my mother, as I said, passed away for having cancer. I was bawling out my eyes that day, I was hugging my big brother so hard, I'm surprised he didn't suffocate. I could feel his shoulders rising up and down fastly, and he couldn't breathe, not from my hug, but from how his tears were rising down his cheeks.

2 years after my mother died, my brother and I were separated. We said our goodbyes, until people took us away to 2 different foster adoption places. I never heard anything from my brother ever since the day, we didn't see each other. I was in a room in the center with many other kids, and I was adopted a month after.

I turned off the alarm groggily, and half sat up leaning my back on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and finally stood up folding my covers to make it look 'perfect'. I adjusted my long fuzzy socks and slipped on my cute bunny slippers I got from Christmas. I walked out of my room turning off the lights and went to the bathroom through the hallway as I saw my younger sister, Farrah walking through the hallway scratching her eyes, I could see her hair all so messy like she went through a huge fan. I opened the door more to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face with a towel. I lazily walked to the kitchen to get breakfast and looked at the clock, 'I'm late!' I thought. I didn't have anytime to eat anything, and just changed my clothes quickly to go to school. I left with a wave, "Have a good day at school!" Min said. [ My new mother ]

; At school
I arrived finally, luckily my new house is really close to the school so I don't have to walk for an hour or having to go on a bus. I opened the doors and quickly speed walked to my first classroom, 'Science' I read in my head on the door. I opened it slightly peeking in, yep everybody was looking and staring at me. The teacher was faced to the chalkboard as she turned around and saw me, planting a smile at me.
"You must be the new student, ah?" The teacher said. "I'm Ms. Kuhn." She said bowing, "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Luckily, she was a girl. Mostly, I only feel comfortable around girl teachers. It's obvious.
I bowed and put a fake smile, "Annyounghaseyo, I'm Kairin Sun-Hee." I said bowing around me. Some people waved, and some people didn't even care. Ms. Kuhn was kind enough to give me a seat in the back, you know. The back seats are the better ones. Ms. Kuhn was writing things on the chalkboard while teaching, asked questions and some people answered, soon the bell rang and people stormed out of the room, while a few patiently walked out. I felt a hand touch my shoulder as I turned around, it was Ms. Kuhn.
"I've been told by your family that you have a very low GPA, I need to talk to your mother about it." She said.
I nodded and stared off into space while walking out of the classroom, I crossed my fingers so I didn't get bad luck making friends and took a deep breath, today, is a day I can be social and actually make friends, for the millionth time. As a little child, since I was for adoption, many families adopted me, but rejected me, meaning I moved so many times, and I had a hard time making friends. I walked in the hallway looking at the ground, to my locker. I saw many groups of people, actually, no I didn't. I saw legs, but I knew they were people. I looked up to see where I was going and saw a boy almost bump into me, but he looked at me for a second, and stormed off past me. I looked behind me, as he walked, I furrowed my eyebrows, and scratched my head. I looked back to where I was supposed to go, and saw a girl walking past me, as she stared at me, again, no words, just go on past me while looking at me. I see how it is. I don't get how I can't manage to open my mouth and say something. But... there was something wrong... That boy seemed so familiar.... After that, my eyes widened.


It was Seokjin.

Oops! Sorry that I'm making a new story, I really don't like the ideas of my other stories and I wanted to restart, and make a new story. Also a note out there, if I don't make new chapters in a long time, it's probably that I my brain is dead and I have no ideas for a new chapter. Thanks for reading and understanding.

~pitiparties ❤︎

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