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February 17, 2035; Advent City Center London; 9:35 P.M.

(Jessie Davila's "Imperator" POV)

Look, I didn't plan to be an XCOM operative. Life just... turned out that way.

So, there I was. Standing on a rooftop. Kevlar armor on. Sniper rifle in hand. Watching and waiting for my target.

"Imperator," John Bradford, Central, said over the comm, "Check in."

"Imperator here," I responded, "Still standing on the rooftop. Still waiting. Still bored."

"You won't be that way much longer," Central said, "We have word that the ambassador is moving into position."

The ambassador was Steven Martinez, the sole commander of the city center of London. He was one of those figurehead officials that Advent appointed to keep order. Today, he is my target.

"Moving into position," I said. A walked over to the rooftop's ledge. I placed the bipod attached to the bottom end of my rifle on the ledge.

"Why am I not using a suppressor on my rifle?" I asked Central.

"Once again," Central said, "You're assassinating the ambassador to cause a diversion. The mission requires it."

Central and two other operatives, "Reaper" and "Sierra" whoever they are, need the Advent garrison to be distracted for there mission. So, I'm assassinating the ambassador, while Menace 1-5, another XCOM team, will be destroying an Advent statue.

I saw an Advent limousine, closely followed by Advent police cars, drive up to a stage where 100 or so people were gathered for the ambassador's speech.

"I've got eyes on the ambassador," I said.

"Remember," Central responded, "Once the ambassador is dead, you're going to have Advent troops swarming your position. Hopefully Menace 1-5's diversion will weaken your burden, but if that doesn't work..."

"Relax Bradford," I said, "I got this."

"Good luck, Imperator," Central said as closed the channel.

I activated the audio amplifier Chief Engineer Lily Shen gave me to listen to the ambassador's speech. I then looked through the scope.

Ambassador Martinez walked onto the stage, flanked by Advent officers. He waved as the crowd cheered. He approached the podium. Once there he began to speak.

"Loyal Citizens," he began, "I stand before you with a message from the Elders." Scattered applause, "They have made advances in Gene Therapy, allowing for a clinic to be opened here in London."

This time, everyone cheered, while I cringed inwardly.

I've had enough of this guy, I thought.

I check the magazine in the rifle. It's full. I look to see if my assault rifle, Victory, is next to me. It is.

"A bright future has begun," Martinez continued.

Let's end this.

"The future begins with the Elders."

I look through the scope of the sniper rifle and and aim for his head.

"The future begins with Advent."

I take a deep breath.

"The future begins with you."

I pull the trigger.

Warlord here.
What you just read was the beginning of the end for Advent.
This story does not have a scheduled update time. It will only be updated when I have time, at least for now.
I'm open to criticism people. Don't be afraid. It's not like I'm going to hurt you.
The future is coming. Be ready.

Warlord out.

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