III. Vigilo Confido

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"I am watchful. I am necessary."
~Translation of Vigilo Confido, the motto of XCOM

February 22, 2035; Seized Alien Supply Ship Codenamed: Avenger; 6:24 P.M

(John Bradford's "Central" POV)

I walked through the hallways through the halls of the Avenger up to the Commander's quarters. I carried a few dossiers in my hand, as per the Commander's request.

It's been a few days after Operation Gatecrasher. Hope's injuries were now fully healed and she was ready for active combat again. Janet and Jessie suffered no injuries and are itching to go into combat.

I can't say the same for everyone.

Both Gatecrasher Operatives are down, along with the entire Menace 1-5 fireteam.

We may have won that day, but trust me: It was a Pyrrhic Victory.

When we returned to the Skyranger, Janet transferred Hope to the infirmary, while Jessie went to the armory to clean, inspect, repair, and store everyone's weapons and armor.

However, the Commander was in critical condition, so we had to conduct her resuscitation operation right in the middle of the damn armory. It was touch-and-go, but Dr. Tygan was able to save the Commander.

The next five days were used for the Commander, and Hope, to recover from their injuries. In that time, the Commander visited Tygan and gave him the authorization to research the alien Bio-Chip implanted into her skull. I also informed her that a Advent Hyper-Power Core was under protection in an Advent Facility and that we could recover it to help power the Avenger, if we work quickly.

So, the Commander requested that I come up with a team of highly-skilled XCOM Operatives that can undergo both this mission and others that may arise in the future.

I reached her quarters. I hesitated before knocking on the door. I haven't really spoke to her since she woke up from her operation or since she gave me the order to assemble the team. After recollecting my composure, I knocked on the door.

"Commander," I said as calmly as I could, "Its me, Bradford."

"Come in, John," she replied.

I opened the door and walked in. I saw that she was sitting at her desk. She was writing into a journal.

The Commander was a 5'4" tall woman (compared to my 5'11" height). Her skin was as white as snow. She had jet-black hair, combed into a ponytail. She wore thick-rimmed glasses, which covered her armor-piercing green eyes. She wore purple lipstick. She had a very attractive face, almost model-like. She was from the United Kingdom, so she had a British accent as smooth as silk and as sweet as candy. For the Commander of a disavowed elite, international, task-force, she sure as hell didn't dress like one; she dressed like a stereotypical school-girl (she sewed on the XCOM insignia onto her outfit). She had Masters Degrees in Military Science, Military History, World History (all of it), Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Literature. She's a prodigy. She was extremely generous and caring, even to complete strangers. However, this kindness didn't make her weak. She was able to make the hard choices. She was also an expert shot with a pistol.

She was everything I could want in a woman: smart, intelligent, beautiful, caring, and courageous.

Also, the most dangerous part, she was 20 years old. Especially since she was born in 1995.

That was a side effect of staying in the Stasis-Suit. Whatever age the person is when they enter would be their age when they exit, even if years pass.

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