Chapter One

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"Would you just please come with us? You don't even have to drink if you don't want too. Come on Jess." I sighed ending in a groan.  

"Fine. But I'll hate you forever." I smile at my best friend. She rolls her eyes and turns back to the mirror to finish her makeup.

I slip on my bustier and my colorful leggings, adjusting them so I don't have camel toe or anything. I turn to fix my natural blonde curls so they're laying right. I put a light eye shadow on my eyelids and add another coat of mascara. My lips are a bright pink and they look really glossy. I smile at my reflection to make sure there's no lipstick on my teeth. I fix my necklace that says "freak." so it's sitting just right in between my boobs. I twist my blue sparkly earrings in my ears to they're sitting in a square shape. I check myself out one more time before turning back to Madi.  

"Alright, come on." I hurry her along.  

"Oh please. I was so done before you." She argues, her heels clacking down the hallway before me.

We get to the club and I groan, hearing the music before we even park the car. I pull in next to the familiar pink slug bug and look for Lucy and Laney.

I found the twins leaning against the front of the car, drinking from a bottle they got from home. I climb out and roll my eyes.  

"Come on drunkards." The girls laugh behind me as I stalk inside the club, getting my ID out and showing it to the bouncer.

I can still hear the girls following me. And I sigh. I'm like their leader tonight. They're all drunk off their asses already and we've been in the club for like two minutes.

I sit down after the girls find some new guy friends to dance with.  

"Get the lady a drink." I hear a raspy voice say besides me. I roll my eyes and turn to him, internally groaning when I see who it is.

Harry fucking Styles.

"I don't drink." I tell him simply.  

"There's a first for everything." He tells me with a cocky smirk.  

"No thank you."  

Harry nods at the bartender anyways and he sets down a scotch in front of me.

I turn to glare at Harry before gulping it down. Harry looks at me with wide eyes before passing me his drink. I chug it down quickly too, welcoming the buzz that's covering my body.

Harry scoots closer and I roll my eyes.  

"Were you trying to get me drunk so you could hit on me?" I snap. Harry's famous smirk makes it's way to his face and his dimples pop out.  

"Dance with me." 

"" I tell him simply. He grabs my hand anyways and drags me out to the floor.

I try finding my friends to send them help signals but they aren't anywhere near me. Harry brings me closer and grinds himself on me.  

"Would you stop!" I shout over the music, shoving him away. He brings me with him and gets closer than before. 

"When I want something, I get it." He tells me. I snort and start coughing up spit.  

"Don't even think about it." He sees right through my act. I groan and try pulling away from him. His hold on my wrists get tighter and I fight more. My knees meets his groin area and he's on his knees in seconds. "Don't mess with me Styles." I tell him in a cold voice before walking away, swaying my hips purposely.  

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