My Love Belongs To The Streets, but My Heart Belongs To You

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"GET THEM" shouted voices, as shadows ran across the street lights. Hiding, fighting, killing. Yes, the streets are a dangerous place. However, for some living comfortably in a nice home, living day by day without a care in the world. That was hell for these men that lived on the streets. Why? They believe they will grow weak and become soft. These men wanted to be strong, fierce, and above all else a force to be reckoned with. These men... or rather gang is known as the Akatsuki. Hidden from the real world and yet know far and wide on the fighting, killing, cold, yet dark streets. "Where are they?" shouted more voices, as one of the street lights was knocked out and all that was heard was the sound of breaking glass, moaning sounds of victims and the exhale of someone smoking a drag. "That was fucking easy" said a voice, as a hpmh was heard next to the voice. "Easy for you to say, your nothing but a pin cushion" said the voice that hpmhed. "Say that again, I fucking dare you" said the first voice. "Enough, we have bigger fish to fry, remember... the Akatsuki might be dawn, but we remain hidden in the shadows for dominance" said a third voice. "What the fuck, just because your the leader doesn't give you the right to sound cool" said the first voice. "Actually it does" said the second voice, as the first voice growled.

The next day in day-light. A girl in her 20's was working in a restaurant as a waitress. This girl is me... my name is Mizuki. "Oi I demand my money" said a customer, as I growled and walked over. "And I told you, you owe the damn restaurant from fucking last time" I said, as he growled standing up. "I demand to speak to the manager" he said, as I growled and glared at him. "And I demand you shut your fucking mouth" I said, as he growled and grabbed my neck. "MANAGER NOW" he shouted, as I growled. "JOE CUSTOMERS PISSING ME OFF" I shouted, as we heard thumping coming from the back. A tall, ripped and bald black guy came out looking pissed off. "What the hell is going on?" he asked, as the customer released me terrified. "He owes money and is neglecting to pay" I said, as he growled stomping his feet towards the customer. "You bugging my waitress" he said leaning in, as the customer smiled nervously. "Me? No, no, of course not" he lied, as I growled putting my hand on my hip. "Yeah right, he was trying to choke me Joe" I said, as he grabbed the customer by the neck and tossed him out the door. "Next time I'll tear off your head" he shouted closing the door. Everyone turned to him and he closed his eyes. "Sorry for the commotion enjoy the rest of your meals" he said walking to the back. I smirked and walked to the next table. "Hey Kakuzu" I said, as he glanced at me. Yes, this man named Kakuzu was a regular customer, mostly because he and Joe are poker buddies and in return he promised Joe that he would be a regular customer. "Hey Mizuki" he said looking at his newspaper. "The regular?" I asked, as he sighed. "No just coffee and make it a double espresso" he said, as I smirked and started writing down his order. "Rough night with the ladies?" I asked, as he narrowed his eyes. "Very funny" he said, as I giggled. "I know, your a work-a-holic who finds woman troublesome things that make you spend your money" I said, as he smirked and put down his paper. "Joe has taught you well" he said, as I smirked. "Yup" I said walking to the counter.

"OI KAKUZU" shouted a voice, as I waited for Kakuzu's coffee. Once up on the counter I walked back to his table seeing a guy with slick back silver hair hanging his arms at the top of the booth and leaning his head back. "Here Kakuzu" I said placing his coffee down. "Thanks" he said, as the guy smirked and glanced at me. "Well who's your friend Kakuzu, she must be close if she's giving you coffee and not dumping it on you" said the guy smirking at me and I glared at him. "Idiot, that only happens to you" said Kakuzu, as he growled and I chuckled. He glanced at me and I looked at Kakuzu. "Anything else?" I asked, as Kakuzu paused. "Oh yeah, here" he said handing me an envelope. "What stripping money?" asked the guy with slick hair. I grabbed the envelope and then punched the guy's head. "OI" he shouted, as I glared at him. "Say something that stupid again and I'll have Joe toss you out" I said, as he paused raising an eyebrow. "Joe? Who's Joe?" he asked, as Kakuzu sighed. "Idiot did you come in here not even looking at the restaurant's name?" asked Kakuzu, as he paused and looked at the menu's logo. "Joe's Cafe and Bar" he said, as he hpmhed. "What couldn't afford the restaurant word?" he chuckled, as he stopped when a shadow went over him and his eyes widened looking at Joe. "Mizuki" said Joe, as I turned to him. "Oh hey Joe, Kakuzu says this is for you" I said handing him the envelope. Joe smirked taking it and looked down at Kakuzu. "I see your hanging around the younger generation of idiots" said Joe, as Kakuzu chuckled. "Well what can I do, their stupidity gives me money" said Kakuzu, as they both chuckled together. The guy with slick back hair narrowed his eyes. "You kidding, how does two old geezers get together anyway?" he asked, as they both glared at him and then he gulped when Joe grabbed his collar. "Listen you piece of shit, I don't care what you call me, but you insult my friends or my girls your dead meat" said Joe, as the guy smirked. "Oh yeah you have girls? I thought you talking to Kakuzu and all, you would swing the other way" he said, as Joe gave him dagger looks. "Joe, phone is ringing" I said, as he stopped and heard the phone ringing from the back. "I'll deal with you later" said Joe tossing Hidan in the booth. Once gone Kakuzu glared at him. "Why are you trying to die?" asked Kakuzu, as the guy with slick back hair shrugged. I walked up to Kakuzu and took his empty cup refilling it with coffee. "Well you must be after Kakuzu giving him so much attention" said the guy with slick back hair, as I glared at him.

Suddenly glass broke and the sounds of guns being shot roared through the restaurant. I stopped as a gun was held to my head. "Alright no one move, we heard word that the Akatsuki are in this place" said the guy with the gun to my head. I glared back at him and everyone was quaking. "Give yourselves up Akatsuki or this innocent bystander dies" he said, as I growled. If there was one thing I hated it was being threatened by guys who cower behind guns.

To Be Continued...

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