Joe, Mizuki, and Ayame

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"WELL" shouted the guy with the gun, as he pulled the trigger. "JOE" I shouted, as the guy with the gun then bashed the side of my face with the handle. I fell to the ground and glared at the guy with the gun. He was still pointing it at me and then everyone stopped when Joe walked in making everyone look at him. "WHO THE FUCK MESSED UP MY BUSINESS?" he shouted, making his voice boom throughout the place. "They did it" I said, as I dodged a bullet that was about to hit my arm. "You fucking dare wreck my business and have the nerve to threaten my waitress" he said standing over the guy with gun. "G-get him" said the guy with the gun with his voice cracking. "Who the hell are you talking to?" asked Joe, as the guy with the gun looked back and saw his back up had fled with their tail between their legs. "GET YOUR ASS IN THE BACK" he shouted grabbing the guy by the collar and forced the gun on the ground. I sighed touching my face and winced feeling the pain. I then paused as a hand went in front of me. "You alright Mizuki?" asked Kakuzu, as I sighed and got up without holding his hand. "I'm fine" I said dusting myself off. "Well maybe it's an improvement on your face" said the guy with slick back hair, as both Kakuzu and I glared at him. "Just for that remark your walking her home" said Kakuzu, as both my eyes and his widened. "WHAT" we said, as Kakuzu glared at the guy with slick back hair. "Hidan do it or you get no smoke money" said Kakuzu slamming money on the table and then walked out. I sighed and Hidan growled turning my head. When my shift was over I walked towards Joe's office and knocked on his door. "Yeah come in" he said, as I walked in and smiled. Joe was smoking a cigar and looking through some papers. "Hey Joe, I'm off, I'll see you later" I said, as he paused and looked at me. "Alright, you sure you can handle yourself now Mizuki?" he asked, as I smiled a bit. "Yeah, thanks Joe" I said closing the door behind me and walked out of the restaurant seeing Hidan smoking a cigarette. "You better not fucking live far" he said, as I closed my eyes and walked passed him.

I walked home and stopped at the front door. "You can leave now" I said glaring back at him. "Hpmh, not like I fucking want to stay here" he said, as I growled at him. We then paused, as the door opened and I growled louder seeing Deidara, my sister's boyfriend. "Hey Mizuki and... Hidan" he said shocked looking at him. "You two know each other?" I asked looking back and forth. "Yes/No" they said, as I raised an eyebrow looking at them. "No/Yes" they reversed, as I crossed my arms still not convinced. "Ah, Mizuki" said Ayame, as I smiled at her. "Hi Ayame" I said, as she hugged Deidara, who was smirking. I turned my head away and then closed my eyes. "Again, you can leave you idiot" I said walking passed all three of them and walked into the apartment. "Damn woman think she knows everything" said Hidan, as Ayame chuckled. "She is very smart though" said Ayame, as Deidara smirked and kissed Ayame's lips causing her to blush and kiss him back. Hidan growled turning his head. "Night Ayame" he whispered causing Ayame to blush and smile even more. Once the door was closed Deidara and Hidan started walking together. "What the fuck was that?" asked Hidan glaring at Deidara. "Isn't she cute, she's my new boo" he said, as Hidan glared at him. "What fucking shit are you on this time?" asked Hidan, as Deidara smirked. "It's called love" he said, as Hidan started fake gagging. "Give me a fucking bag to puke in" he said, as Deidara growled.

Meanwhile, I was getting ready for bed and paused seeing Ayame eating sweets while watching TV. "You don't like him do you?" she asked, as I paused and turned my head. "I'm sorry Ayame, I try, but he's a moron... I just think you can do so much better" I said, as she paused and looked at me. "Who was that guy that was at the door?" she asked, as I growled. "A moron that hangs around Kakuzu, something happened at the cafe and he wanted the moron to take me home to make sure I got here safe" I said, as Ayame stopped and then blinked a few times. "EH YOU GOT A BRUISE" she shouted running up to me and looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes. "I'm so sorry I didn't notice sooner" she said, as I smirked and rubbed her head. "Don't worry about it Ayame" I said, as she hugged me. We then paused, as the door opened and saw Joe. "Hey girls" he said, as we smiled. "Hi Joe" we said, as he patted both our heads. Not only was Joe my boss, but he is also our guardian and big brother. You see we were all orphans and unwanted. Joe made it his mission to not only have his own business, but to make sure we were happy and safe. "Joe what happened to Mizuki?" asked Ayame, as he sighed. "A big commotion at the cafe, but don't worry big brother Joe handled them" he said, as Ayame smiled brightly. "Good" she said, as he chuckled and scooted Ayame to bed. Once Joe and I knew that Ayame went to bed, he turned to me and sighed. "Sorry Mizuki" he said, as I smiled. "It's okay Joe, I know it's hard running a business" I said, as he sighed sitting on the couch. "I just wish I could protect you and Ayame all the time" he said, as I chuckled and sat next to him. Joe lit a cigar and inhaled it. I looked on the ground and closed my eyes. "Night Joe" I said standing up and he nodded watching me walk to my room.

The next day, I got up and growled seeing Deidara snuggling with Ayame on the couch. "That horny again huh" I said, as Deidara growled. "Oi" he said, as we glared at each other and Ayame smiled nervously. "Oi blondie" said Joe, as I smirked when he gulped seeing Joe with his arms crossed and the right side of his fingers tapping the side of his arm. "Morning Joe" said Deidara nervously. "Mizuki and I are headed to the cafe... do anything stupid and it'll be your head" he said, as Deidara smiled nervously. I walked with Joe to the cafe and then we paused seeing Kakuzu waiting by the front door. "What's up?" asked Joe, as Kakuzu walked towards him. "We need to talk" he said, as Joe nodded. "Mizuki handle the front" said Joe, as I nodded and watched Joe and Kakuzu go into the back room to his office. I sat at a table and then paused when the door opened and I saw Hidan. "You have got to be fucking kidding me" I said, as he smirked and leaned forward. "Oh it's the woman with the big mouth" he said, as I glared at him. "And it's the moron with the small dick" I said, as he growled and we glared at each other.

To Be Continued...

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