Trust Me, I'm A Doctor

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     "Trust me...I'm a doctor," he whispered softly; his warm breath against my neck making me shudder. His tall, thin stature and slicked back brunette hair was almost irresistible. The way he would push himself against me just to reach around for a pen at the nurses station already had my knees weak. His breathing was gentle and slow, his head pressed against my neck as he stood behind me, bending over to get to it.
     Before we get too far into the story, and there is no time to say anything...Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Silvia Rider. I am 19 years old. I work as a medical technician. I was born a brunette but have recently bleached my hair and dyed it silver. As for the man I am talking about, his name is Kai: German and 33-years-old. When you imagine him, remember he has a thick accent to accompany his deep voice. As for our height difference, well, it's unmistakable. But enough about me, and let's just get back to the story.
     He placed his hand on my hip as I pulled away to look into his eyes. I took a quick sweep to check for co-workers before harshly whispering, "We're at work, Kai!" His face was calm, and a smile crept across his face. He said nothing but just grabbed the pen off the ledge. The smile stayed on his face as he quickly kissed my cheek and turned to walk towards the patient's room.
     Before walking away, he flashed a knowing smile at me and winked. "Are you telling me you don't want our boss to know you are his favorite doctor's pet?" he asked proudly.
     My face began to turn a bright crimson color as I looked at him and the tattoos on his arms. "I- I would have to move units, and I wouldn't be able to train with you anymore, Love.."
     He smirked and said no more as he walked towards the labor and delivery operating room. I let out a breath I never realized I was holding in. I held my stomach like I'd been holding in my secret--tightly and wearily. I immediately let go of my stomach as soon as the pediatrician walked by. She stopped in front of me, holding a clipboard full of to-do lists to her side.
     She smiled and cheerily murmured, "Hello, Miss Rider!" Her long blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders in wave-like curls. The blue of her eyes was calming, and her voice was high-pitched but gentle. "What was that all about?" she asked, motioning towards the direction in which Kai had just walked off in.
     My face flushed as I mumbled, "Hi, Melonie. And what? Kai?"
     Although she looked confused, her voice was clear and cheery. "Yeah; I saw him grab your hip, and you pulled away from him. Is everything alright?"
     I nodded. Being silent while at work has always been my specialty, and talking about my personal life with my own co-worker seems like an accident waiting to happen. He pretty much commanded me to let others know that he's my Master, but I still want to work with him. I know it's wrong, and I should want to parade around knowing other girls may be jealous that I have him... But I don't want to be moved to a different unit. I love being a medical technician for this specific unit. I am not willing to lose my job for him no matter how serious the relationship between the two of us gets. My job is not only a job to me; this is my career I'm talking about. There is no risking it.
     Melonie sighed and put her clipboard on the edge of the desk. Forcing a smile to comfort me, . "Silvia..." she mumbled. "You don't have to hide anything from me. If you are sleeping with Kai, just tell me."
     My eyes shifted to the floor, a smile spreading across my face. "Will you tell your boss?"
     "What? No. It's none of my business to tell the big boss who's sleeping with who."
     Although I knew that I had been too cautious during my relationship with Kai, I wasn't quite ready to tell anyone what was to come. "Alright," I mumbled. "Kai and I are serious. He's my dominant of sorts." I began to blush as I remembered the late night interactions and after-sex cuddles. 
     Although Melonie seemed super confused, she chuckled. "You mean the German doctor that the females in this unit, that means patients, doctors, nurses, and techs, all drool over? The one that won employee of the year this past year? The one our boss favors?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, watching her sway from side-to-side uncomfortably. "Aren't you nineteen?" she asked. Sighing, I nodded yet again. The look on her face changed, wrinkles beginning to show her age.
     Suddenly, Melonie's face was soft, and she was no longer focusing on me. There was a long silence, and Melonie did not take her eyes off of whatever she was staring at. I shrugged and nodded to Melonie, hoping she would recognize that I was going to go check on a patient's vitals. I did not avert my eyes as I turned around to leave, and I ran straight into something hard. Looking up, I saw the face of a smiling Kai. Melonie had been trying to motion to me that Kai had been listening in on our conversation. His greenish brown eyes glistened as he softly laid his hand against my cheek. He gave me a sympathetic smile, yet his eyes were stern as if I had done something wrong. I forced myself to smile up at him through my slight anxiety.
     "Serious, huh?" Kai quizzed, raising an eyebrow.
     I let out a sigh almost immediately. "Yes, Kai. Melonie promised not to tell your boss if I was honest..."
     Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Melonie cringe slightly. "Kai, we're co-workers, and the way you praise and punish her while working's obvious that you two are something more. Please, don't be mad at her."
     Kai chuckled a bit, taking his hand from my face as he mumbled quietly, "I'm not mad at her. I am actually quite proud that my little pet finally chose to tell someone the truth."
     I immediately pushed myself to walk towards the door of the only patient currently in the unit assigned to me: Allie Silver. She had her baby at four in the morning this morning. As I knocked on the door, I heard Kai speaking quietly to Melonie. I tried to ignore it the best I could. After no answer, I slowly opened the door. As I pushed it open, Allie looked up from the hospital bed and began to smile at me. She had her baby nuzzled up in her arms; he was wrapped up in a John Deere blanket which she had brought in to use during her stay in the hospital. She had bags under her eyes from little to no sleep, and the blinds were closed to keep the early morning sun out of her eyes. As I stepped into the room, I heard the toilet flush and assumed she had a guest visiting her. This visit should be a quick in-and-out. I closed the door quietly and walked in, watching the floor as I made my way towards the computer. I logged in to the database and began the typical questions. After the questions were asked, I checked her blood pressure, heart rate, pulse, and oxygen level.
     As I turned around, something drove me to look at her baby and smile. Instead of asking her if she needed anything before I left, I blurted out, "I can't wait to give birth to a baby of my own."
     Allie smiled. "Are you...pregnant?"
     I sighed, realizing that I had been caught. "Yeah... two months now."
     At the time, I did not hear the door open behind me. "I should be mad at you for not telling me as soon as you found out, but I'm going to give you some good news instead. Trust me: one more month, and you'll be out of the first trimester. No more nausea and no more vomiting. Plus, you'll be three months closer to greeting your little one into this world," Allie said proudly.
     Something caused me to look up. All I saw was a curtain and an unknown man standing beside it. "Allie, who is that?"
     Allie smiled and responded, "Silvia, this is my fiance, Nick. Nick, this is my close friend, Silvia--the reason we came to this hospital." Nick did that little half wave with a fake smile as if he had no intentions of ever being nice.
     Immediately, I heard a quiet clap from behind the curtain. Out stepped Kai, glancing at me as he growled, "What did I say about honesty?"
     Sighing, I mumbled, "I'm not lying to the patient, HUN. I'm two months pregnant."
     Kai was silent as he stared at me dumbfoundedly. After a couple of minutes, Allie interrupted, "Silvia..."
     "Allie, I thought you knew the Kai we talked about also happened to be one of the doctors I work with." I whispered. "He's the one who we talked about that one night over drinks."
     Kai chuckled. "Silvia, why weren't you honest with me when I asked why you didn't feel well?"
     It felt as though something had got caught in my throat. " not an excuse to not come into work for several days in a row. It was easier to tell you I had the stomach flu." I watched Allie shift uncomfortably in front of me. "Maybe we should take this elsewhere. Allie is getting really uncomfortable, and that will just make the baby start crying. If you need anything, Allie or Nick, don't be afraid to holler."
     As soon as we got out into the hall, Kai closed the door. "Why didn't you tell me that all of my efforts of cumming deep inside of you with the hopes of impregnating you worked?" he mumbled, his voice dropping low--almost to the point where I couldn't hear him.
     I sighed, watching his expression. I began to mumble, "I really am sorry, Sir. I thought you would be upset about it."
     "Why would I be upset when my end goal was to impregnate you, Kitten? It is what we both wanted in the end, wasn't it?"
     I nodded, beginning to blush. "I really am sorry, Sir..." I laid my head against his chest.
     "It's okay, my pet. Remember lesson one: honesty is the best policy," he whispered softly in my ear.

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