Make Your Decision

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     The night passed by quickly, yet I don't remember much from that morning. Nothing really important comes to mind after signing the discharge papers, but I remember silently climbing within the '67 Impala. I spent the first month in bed with the inability to get out of bed all on my own. I felt too sick to move, or I was too tired to even function; my brain shut down on me and chose not to work.
     After the first two months of bedrest, I found it unbearable to lay in Kai's bed without him. I forced myself to scoot to the side of the bed and stand up. Without fail, I laid my hand up against the wall and steadied myself. This is going to be a long process... My mind managed to process that sentence properly, so my body slowly took steps out the bedroom door and down the hallway. As I walked, I noticed the paint-splattered walls with individual images made out of stencil. Each and every design was unique and different. I looked up and followed my eyes from the pictures right by the door frame all the way down the hallway. The ones by the door frame started with the beginning of our love story, and the one at the very end of the hallway was the image of Kai and I at Niagara Falls with him on one knee. I was wearing the purple and teal dress his sister had picked out for me that day, which also happened to be my birthday, and the silver heels I had happened to pack for that vacation. That was the day he had asked me to marry him, and the same day I found out I was pregnant. For some reason, I feared his reaction to my pregnancy, so I hid it from him for a month. Every inch of me regrets that decision.
     I smiled to myself as I veered off into the kitchen and walked over to the fridge. Marveling for a moment at the chrome finishing, I stood there for a few moment before opening it and grabbing a bottle of water. I heard Jax, Kai's great dane, scratch at his neck, causing his tags to jingle. "Jax..." I called out. "Come here boy!" Slowly and steadily, he trotted into the kitchen as I grabbed a dog treat out of the fridge. He was only a few months old, and he already stood up to my knee. Although he seemed annoyed, Jax sat down and raised his paw to his chest.
     "Good boy!" I reached down and put the treat on the floor before petting his head softly. After eating, he stood up and looked up at my stomach. He tilted his head slightly and barked, yet he still seemed happy. As the garage door opened, his ears twitched, and a growl escaped through his clinched jaw. I sighed quietly, bracing myself for the argument Kai would make about me being out of bed.
     As the door opened, a soft voice rang out, "Silvia? Is that you?" The voice was unfamiliar yet so soothing. A tall male figure appeared in the doorway wearing a black leather vest, plain white T-shirt, and a pair of distressed jeans with black cowboy boots which added to his height. If I had to estimate, I would say he was six foot four with the boots on. His brown hair was a mess, and his crystal blue eyes were light with shock. Although his eyes were distracting, I noticed his jawline was sharp, and his cheekbones were defined.
     "You're up..." He yelped in surprise. "Kai said you were going to be in bed since you didn't have enough strength or energy to get out of bed. He asked me to come check on you, you to, tosee if you're okay or need anything. Obviously not."
     "And you work with him?" I muttered patiently.
     He shook his head and smile. "Pardon my rudeness," he said humbly. "My name is Felix; I'm Kai's youngest brother." He extended his hand to shake my own. As I began to reach my hand out towards him, his large fingers wrapped around the side of my hand, practically engulfing it.
     I nodded and smiled, mumbling, "Then I guess you know that he's my fiance to some degree." Jax began to sniff at Felix's legs, watching him. "Don't mind Jax. He's a harmless little guy."
     "Little guy?!" Felix yelped, staring down at Jax as if he felt like prey.
     I nodded again and chuckled before patting my leg to signal for  to come. "Harmless as they come." Jax sat beside my foot and looked up at me, panting as he watched my face intently. "Go lay down, boy." I watched as Jax trotted past Felix and into the living room.
     "So..." I mumbled. "Is Kai at work right now?" Felix nodded. "Can I borrow your phone? Mine is dead."
     He unlocked his phone and handed it to me. I instantly went to phone in order to make my call. I looked at the last call: it was from Kai's cell phone. That's odd...He would've called from his work phone if he needed something... Well, instead of asking Felix, I dialed up my mother's number and listened to the phone ring. "Hello, mother." I grumbled, forcing a fake smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Oh? Dad told you I was in the hospital? And that I'm pregnant? Yes, it's my boyfriend's baby. Yes, he treats me fine. Do you mind if I come over later? Good. See you then!"
     I hung up the phone and handed it back to Felix. "Mind if I ask why Kai called you from his cellphone instead of his work phone?" I asked, growing impatient. "Are you absolutely fuckin' positive that my fiance is working?"
     There was a long pause before Felix looked up from his phone. "He called me from his cellphone while I was walking out of my girlfriend's house. I thought it was a little weird when he told me he was calling from work, but I told him I would check in with you on my way home from my own job. Please...don't kill me. I am only doing as my older brother asks, so do not shoot the messenger. That's all I ask." His blue eyes glistened as he bit his bottom lip. I wasn't going to hurt him. Who in their right mind would fear someone as weak as me? I let out a quiet, long sigh as I watched his eyes. "Are you alright, Silvia?" he whispered quietly, stepping closer to me. He laid his hand against my side and sat me down on the bar stool beside me. I had not noticed that I had begun to get lightheaded. I rubbed my temples softly and stared at the floor.
     After a long silence, I looked up at Felix. "T-thank you..." I whispered. Once I realized what was going on, I buried my face in my knees and whimpered quietly. "What is going on with me...?" I managed to whimper out. My body was shaking at this point.
     "Kai told me about your condition. Are you sure you should be worrying about him?" Felix asked, handing me my bottle of water.
     I took the water bottle and unscrewed the cap, taking a drink before whimpering and closing it all over again. "It isn't fair that I'm sitting at home with no clue what my fiance is doing while he says he's at work. I don't care how stressed out I get.. I feel like after all that I've done for him, I deserve the truth. If he isn't working, I want to know. If he's out fucking someone else, maybe I should find out now before we start to plan our engagement."
     There was a long, drawn out silence before Felix sighed quietly. "You have no clue what you're dealing with, Silvia." he pointed out blatantly. "Maybe you should pack your bag and go home. I won't lie.. I don't believe you need to know what Kai is or what he does when he isn't home. What matters right now is you protect yourself. You have no clue what he can do to someone as soon as he has them within in his grasp."
     Shaking my head, I looked up at Felix. "What do you mean by that? Are you saying I don't know my own fiance?"
     After a few moments, Felix walked over to the counter and laid his hand down beside the sink. He seemed more stressed and agitated that I wasn't listening to him than he seemed concerned with my mental and physical health. Turning around to face me, Felix's eyes burned grey, and his body language screamed aggression. As he took a step towards me, I hopped down off the bar stool and made my way down the hallway. If anything, I would pack my suitcase to appease him and hope that would bring back the crystal blue.

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