Growing Flower ~ The Teenange Girl's Guide to Becoming a Woman of God ~ Purity

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In this book, we will be learning about being pure for God. But, what exactly does it mean for a girl to be pure? How does a girl become pure? What is purity?

Well, defines purity as "the condition or the quality of being pure; freedom from anything that debades, contaminates, pollutes, etc." Which is true, however not completely. But we'll get to that later.

Here, we will be talking about sexual purity. The funny thing that I have learned about sexual purity is that you cannot have any other type of purity without it.

But wait- think about it. Do you really want to be pure for God? Are you willing to make the commitment? Oh, the journey will be long and hard, but worth it.

God calls us to be pure to protect us from the pain and danger of messing around with the gift God gave us to pass onto our husbands and visa-versa: our virginity. Your friends may tell you that it's not true, that your missing out- but please don't listen.

2 Corinthians 7:1 says, "Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." (NIV)

You see, not being sexually pure, or sexually immortal, can hurt. The reason is that all the sins we commit effect the world around us, while sexual immorality effects us on the inside. It ruins everything- our minds, our hearts, our souls, our bodies, and most of all our relationship with God.

I remember last year, my freshman year, there was this one boy in my class (please pray for him and his family) who has an older brother who was a senior at the time. His brother was the most attractive guy in school, also the most popular, and was rumored to be the best football quarterback in the area. So, naturally, all the girls chased after him. And this boy seemed to have a particular knack for sophomores and freshmen. So, the boy in my class found himself in an uncomfortable situation as his brother slept with all his female friends and crushes.

I remember one day sitting in class and he sat behind me, whispering to his friend. She was quick to open up to him and tell him how ever since she started having relations with his brother, she has felt so horrible about herself and was in more pain then ever before in her life. He told her all about how his brother "beeps up girls minds." And he is totally correct.

You see, sex outside of marriage is really harmful and dangerous. That's why God makes the rule in Deuteronomy 5:16, and all rules for that matter.

Why can't a child cross the street without an adult? Because a car will come out of no where and not see the small child. Sure, the road may look vacant and peaceful at the moment, but if you disobey the rule and go into the road, the dangers will catch you off guard.

Now, do you wish to stay away from these dangers? Seeing God call us to be pure, and He also says "If you love me, you'll obey my commands" (John 14:15), are you willing to be pure for God?

Now, if you want to make the commitment, make sure its because you want to. Not out of fear of the Lord or STDs or pregnancy. Not because of your parents want you to or the church wants you to, but you want to.

After all, that's why God put the tree of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden in the first place. God wants us to choose to follow Him because we want to. Not like the angels, who have no choice, like robots. What greater love is that then to let us chose whether or not to love Him back?

I cannot go any further until you have made the decision yourself. Some you may know your answer right away. But you feel the need to take some quiet time and think about it, pray to God about it, but please come back soon! And remember:

You cannot become pure by yourself.

I cannot tell you some secret weapon for protection.

Only God can!!

So if you have made the decision to be pure for Him, I'm telling you right now that in order for this book to work 100% in your life, you will need to journal about it. Not only will it pown the devil straight in the face, but your words will help you more then I ever could even try.

So now to make your covenant with God official, write a prayer to God, explaining to Him your struggle to stay pure for Him (in any area of your life) and ask Him to help you. Hand it all over to God, trusting that He will help you; God is God after all! Nothing is too big for Him! Ask Him to forgive you if you have failed to follow His commands for your safety, He will wash you clean. Pray that He will keep you away from worldly possessions and focused on Him. And over all, ask him to be your guide on your journey to purity.

I have prayed for you to reach this moment in your life. I am so happy you have made it here, and I can't wait to tell you I have learned over the past two years. I remember being in the possession you are in now, and once you are where I am, you'll look back and be amazed by how much you have grown- like a growing flower.

If you are one of those who have fallen along the path and no longer contain your gift of purity, feel free to PM me. This book is not just for virgins and sexual purity is still attainable for those who have made mistakes in the past. So if you are in need of advise or just someone to talk to, I would love to have the honor of being here for you. Just message me if you wish. I'd love to hear from you.

If you have made the commitment of purity, please comment below!

Are you ready for the journey of your life?

I hope so :D

If you have any questions, please comment or message me!! And check out the video- I have read the book And The Bride Wore White and it's truly amazing and helped me a lot. I recommend you guys read it to! Some of the things I say are from her, seeing I learned a lot from Dannah. Love her!! Oh and there's another half to the video so check it out!!

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