Chapter 1: Disguising her discomfort

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Hi so I redownloaded Wattpad and cringed to the hell and back reading my old fics ( I wrote this April of 2016 it's now jan 2019...) - then I found this one I never published so thought I would now, (won't lie I've not even reread it but it's like 4000 words so I'm guessing I finished it) there's a chapter 2 but I never finished it so have this for now 😂 I've not written any fanfic in 2 years so don't be expecting anything and as for my other fics I would finish them but re reading them I have no idea where I was going with the plot sorry 😂😂
- Millie x

Chapter 1:
Snow had cast the curse, of corse with zelenas input and now they were all back in Storybrooke oblivious to the past year of their lives, other than the fact Snow had gotten pregnant.

The blonde knocked on the door of he parents little apartment after getting a potion and letter from who she presumed; her mother.
"Hi, don't close the door I-I'm my name is-"
Embracing his daughter for the first time in a what felt like five minutes he questioned "you remember...."

"You remember..." His daughter stated taking a step back from her father embrace. After  entering the apartment and having chat about memories and how they both had them Emma squinted her eyes and added "if you don't remember then how do you know it's been a-"

"Emma!?" The brunette came walking down the stairs and gave her daughter a queen hug before pointing out the obvious; she was pregnant.

Flash back to 6 weeks into the missing year:

He was dancing with his wife but looked over his shoulder every so often at the queen shifting awkwardly. They had decided to throw a ball, no real reasons but to raise the spirits of those in their company. Snow and himself were dancing for the first time that night after spending what felt like hours with auroras now baby. He watched her stand in the darkest corner she could find fiddling with her fingers avoiding everyone- trying to avoid everyone, "you alright love?" The pirate questioned as he walked up to the woman in one of her less bold evil queen dresses. "I'm fine." She insisted coldly hoping he would just leave and for the party to end already.

"They seem to be spending a lot of time together..." David told is wife as he observed the Pirate and queen whilst they spun slowly. "Yes well, there both missing some they love, things like that can bring people together-" she didn't get time to finished justifying her answer as David butted in: "if he's already over Emma are you sure he'll do right by Regina? I mean she doesn't need this right now-"
"Since when have you been so concerned about Regina?" Snow asked with a smile at her husbands sudden interest in her step mother who he's wanted dead for the majority of them time they'd been together let alone known each other.
"She's been walking around the halls at stupid o'clock in the morning for the past few weeks, I haven't seen her eat a proper meal in days plus since when has the evil queen not wanted her presence to be known?" He listed gesturing towards to queen stood in a dark corner of the room only occupied by herself and Hook. He stopped dancing as he watched the scene go down before walking over to them leaving his wife alone on the dance floor.

"You don't seem fine..." Killian pointed out as he reached out to touch her shoulder as a sort of way of showing he cared and would listen if she wanted to talk. His gesture only causing the queen to flinch away from his touch as she tried to regain her composure. "Regina I'm sorry I-" his apology interrupted by the prince "your majesty...." David, being his charming self, extended his arm hoping the queen would take his hand and coincidentally remover herself for this conversation she clearly didn't want to be having. Seeing the escape root she reluctantly took his hand as he lead her onto the dance floor leaving hook behind looking rather confused.

Regina attempted to disguise her discomfort at being centre of attention, her hand in David's. The prince momentarily glanced over to his wife as conformation his action was okay with her. Snow merely smiled in encouragement before offering herself to prince Phillip. As the music played David gently placed his right hand on the queens petite waist.They began to waltz, slowly turning around each other as the music played on. Their eyes did not leave one and others as she began to relax into his touch, he however fought the temptation to follow the direction necklace and gaze down. VHe stepped back from her, whirling her in a circle before pulling her sharply flush against himself. The mood changed and an urgent intensity weaved it's way into the dance. The music speed increased along with the number of dresses flying out like blossoming flowers.

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