Chapter 2: childlike smiles and forgotten memories

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this chapter is so blatantly unfinished but as i said in the first chapter I wrote this  2/3 years ago- I was planning on finishing it due to boredom but I have no idea where I was planning to go with this so sorry again. Nevertheless enjoy,
-Millie x

After walking in on Emma and Regina arguing David watched his daughter storm down the corridor before turning to see the queen on the verge of tears. "Regina are you okay?" He asked walking towards the brunette who stood shaking. "What have I done..." She whispered to herself as she took several steps back until the back of her knees hit the sofa. She sat down and put her head in her hands as a confused David sat beside her. "Hey, it's okay," he comforted her not exactly knowing the source of the problem as he put his arms around her shoulder and embraced her in a gentle hug. He tightened grip and kissed her head when she added "No, no it's not..."
"Let's get you home.." 

Flash back to neverland
Emma could feel her pulse begin to quicken as Killian's gaze shifted to her lips, his eyes darkening. Neither of them was sure who leaned in first, but when their lips met, softly at first, the rest of the world seemed to slip away from around them. Killian's hand found its way into Emma's hair and the kiss deepened. It wasn't long before they parted, both breathing heavily from the ferocity of their kiss, foreheads touching. Regina was rougher than Emma, her kiss was gentle, but to be completely honest, Regina wouldn't have stopped there. "That was...." He started thinking of Regina again, "- a one time thing....' Emma finished and walked away without looking over her shoulder at the pirate as rain started to hit her hair and dampen her curls. Hook stood there his arms still open from the gap the blonde once filled.

From behind the bushes a rather annoyed prince stood debating wether to punch the one handed brunette or comfort the ex-queen. How could he tell her that the one person she felt understood her pain was kissing the woman who'd tried to take her child away? But of corse he wasn't the only one who understands her pain, he was just the only one who'd experienced it.

Presents day storybooke

He sat her down on her expensive sofa and went to go make her some coffee, before sitting next to her and placing the cup into her petite hands, coincidentally brushing his fingers against hers causing her to finally look up from her distressed state. "Thank-thanks.." She stuttered realising how blue David's eyes actually were. "It's okay," he clarified fidgeting in the sofa to get comfy. They sat in peaceful silence for a few minutes before he questioned; "you wanna talk about it?" Referring to the minor meltdown she had at her office earlier that day.
"I- I... I slept with hook," she admitted avoiding eye contact with him. He felt a twitch at his heart at the thought. Why? It's not like they were together she wasn't betraying him or anything. why was he felling so jealous at the fact she slept with the pirate? But still It was obvious it wasn't the first time they had so why was she so upset? "Emma- she, she found out..."
Now he understood.
The room fell silent before David remembered that last time he came here she had a lot of DVDs in the other living room. "Wanna watch a film?" He suggested with his wide smile and inviting eyes. She shot him a confused look as she opened her mouth only to close it again as he added "to take your mind off things, I'm pretty sure last time I came you had Charlie's Angels?" She smiled and accepted that it was a nice gesture and the fact he was right. It would take her mind off things. "They're In the games room, the room next to the-" she was cut of by his childlike smile as his eyes widened. "You have a games room!?" She couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Prince Charming acting like a 5 year old at the mention of games.

As his pleading as stared at her she reluctantly stood to show him the way as he waited patiently for her, another smile tugged at his lips at the remains of her smile.

As they walked through the house to the games room he noticed how with each step it got colder and colder as if this side of the house had been abandoned. Remembering that the games room was at the end of the corridor he thought to himself that it must've been years since anyone had been in there considering Henry drifted away from her and anything not to do with proving her evil. Even since the curse broke he was spending less and less time with her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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