Part 21

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[Haven't updated in a while so I'm gonna say quite a few things]

- Let me just say: All Time Low is THE GREATEST FUCKING THING.

- Anyway, I'm actually having an okay day.  I failed at softball practice this morning but it's cool, no one really expects me to do well at practice because they all already know I suck lmao. 

- So I recently dyed part of my hair red and it's starting to fade to pink and everyone goes "your hair is fading" like YES BITCH I NOTICED. I don't even know why it pisses me off but it does.

- Everyone always tells me that my whole phobia of eating in public is stupid, they're like "everyone eats, get over it" and it just kinda sucks that no one really understands what it's like. Things like no one understanding make me feel so alone and not to mention they're making fun of me for a fear I have like...???????

- I know not eating isn't a good thing but GUESS WHO JUST DROPPED YET ANOTHER SIZE? Oh my god I was so fucking happy at Old Navy when I tried on new shorts. And the fact that I had to go to Old Navy in the first place because all my summer shorts from last year are too big for me now. 

- I made a goal at the beginning of February to lose a certain amount of weight and I'M SO CLOSE ASDFGHJKL I LITERALLY HAVE LIKE 2 POUNDS TO GO I CAN DO THAT IN LIKE 3 DAYS. 

- I kinda told everyone that after I reached my goal weight I would stop trying to lose weight but I'm still gonna try to lose weight until I don't look like (or I don't think I look like) a marshmallow anymore. I won't go to an unhealthy weight, but I will try to lose some more.


- I have an exam on St. Patrick's day wtf

- I hate my smile so much I look ridiculously ugly when I smile uGHHH.

- I want to get closer to this person at my school and we were really close last year but now we're not as close and I'm trying really hard but nothing seems to work oh whale. 

That's all I have to say for today, have a great day/night :))

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