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3034 (The Age of The Barren Lands)

I ran through the city, jumping over debris of the fallen buildings. I heard a roar and a corrupted Yashai ran through the street. I took a sharp turn at the corner of the main road and into a small side-street hoping to slow the creature down.

I gripped onto a lamppost and swung myself into a small building that used to be a department store. I ran up the stairs and into the sniper's nest. I dropped my bag as a young man turned towards me.

"Get ready, it's coming." I said.

He just stared at me and turned back to face out the window. He crouched into his sniping position and held the trigger. I brought out my hatchet and a Feiser 443 Assault.

"You know, I don't know how you manage to survive this long" he said in a soft whisper as he steadied his breathing and looked through the scope.

"I don't either." I rolled my eyes, "Anyway, it's show time. " I said as I jumped out the window. Ixio fired a shot and the Yashai turned towards me. As I soared through the air, I fired four consecutive shots into its eyes and drove my hatchet into it's feathery back. It howled in pain and tried to shake me off, but I held onto it as tightly as I could while driving the stand of my Feiser into it's skin. It cried as the poison started circulating it's bloodstream. Yes, I coat my weaponry in Vixiora, one of the 13 poisons which emerged during the Era of Terror. I leaped off and hit the ground with a thud. Pain surged through my legs, but disappeared as the Featherfall slowly negated the feeling of pain.

The beast fell as the poison's effect kicked in. I cut out a small piece of skin and placed it in the PortaFreeze. There was a hiss and the skin tissues were frozen. Ixio walked out of the building and kicked the fallen Yashai just to make sure it won't get up again.

"Dusts! You are one great point woman." He said sarcastically.

"Why thank you." I replied with a bow.I stood up and started walking back to base with Ixio trailing behind, carrying his Red Hide-Stealth 6834.

"Boss will be happy to know that you took down Nala. Her cells would be worth a fortune!" He exclaimed.

I kept quiet and he asked, " Okay, what's the problem?"

"It's nothing. " I replied.

He came closer and poked my cheek " I know you have some philosophical rant coming up."

I said ", No,it's not a philosophical rant. It's a question for the world"

"Well, the world won't answer you, it's dead remember." He shrugged and laughed.

" Very funny."

" So what is it?"

" Is it possible to be a Yashai for 10 years and not get corrupted?"

"Of course not! They get the powers and then go mad in about a month or two."

"Oh okay," I said ' I'm an exception to that' I thought.' " Anyway, we'd better walk faster or we'll get no dinner.It's almost sun down."

Ixio nodded and we started the long trek back to base.


Isandylle stared at the holo-screen contemplating whether to do something anout "it". She smiled and snuggled into her soft chair. This was going to be interesting.

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