70 minutes to go..

12 2 0

The clock ticks slowly down until the exact second you die. Mine showed 70 more years left to go. I could hardly believe I was to grow to be 90 years old, but the clock never lies. I was comfortable enough to hardly ever look at my clock, unlike others, who checked their clocks ever five seconds it seemed like. They were always afraid they would do something that would make the time on their clocks lessen. I honestly didn't care much. If I die tomorrow, I'll know I died living my life to the fullest, and not being afraid of the time I have left.

My best friend Ashton and I had been traveling the world with his band. While they did interviews, concerts, and other things, I took my camera and set off to find new places and views to capture. The world has so much to offer, and I never want to miss a single bit of it.

We arrived at yet another airport to go someplace new. I didn't care much as to where, I just wanted to go. Staying in one place for too long made me antsy. We'd been back home for too long, and I was ready to set off. Their new tour has only just begun, and I've already seen so many new things. I over heard some of the boys talking about Singapore. I assumed that's where we were off to next. I could hardly wait.

"Willow! Come on, hurry up or we'll miss the plane." Ashton laughed, grabbing my camera bag.

I chuckled and slipped my camera back into the bag and took it from him. "Oh please, you just like being early everwhere" I teased as I pushed up my glasses.

Ashton just sighed at my remark. He was always so nervous because of his clock. I always tried to tell him to relax and accept how things were, but he was scared, like everyone else.

My curly hair kept sliding into my face, getting caught in the hinge of glasses. I wince as a few strands pulled themselves from my head. I sighed and pulled my hair into a bun as we made our way through the busy airport. I smiled widely as I watched the people rush around, all with a purpose in life, all with a place to be.

Little had I noticed, that my clock changed from years, to minutes.


Hey guys. I know this is short, but again it's really late for me right now. I just wanted to get the ball rolling on this. I promise I will have a good length chapter up sometime soon.

Much love,

Above The Clouds // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now