69 and counting..

14 2 0

After a while we finally boarded the plane. For some reason, Michael forced Ashton and I to sit right next to each other. He was acting so strange around us, I wonder what he was up to.

Ashton seemed more nervous than normal. Everytime our hands brushed, he acted strange. He'd either start blushing or fidgeting a little. What the hell was wrong with him?

"What's wrong with you? Is it your clock? Ashton you checked in an hour ago, you're fine" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" he stuttered.

"Well every time we touch, you get all weird. So fess up." I said, poking his arm.

Ashton started blushing even more. "I-it noth-"

"Oh for the love of God just tell her!" Michael groaned.

"Tell me what?" I looked between the two boys, utterly confused.

"Would you just leave me alone?!" Ashton Ashton snapped at us.

Michael threw his hands up in defense as I sighed and plopped back against my seat.

"Would one of you at least hand me my camera bag? I want to get mid air shots" I said, trying to change the subject.

Ashton got up and grabbed it from the overhead for me. His six-foot-tall body was better equipped to reach it than my five-foot one. His shirt raised up a bit as he reached for it, and I went lie, I definitely stared at whatever i could see, which was his v-line. This boy was packing such an amazing body but he never let anyone know it. I mean I talked to a girl he had a one night stand with, and she even said he never took off his shirt.

I hate that he has insecurities, but God knows we all do. I just wish he saw himself the way the rest of the world did: beyond perfect. He was an amazing brother, provider, lover, friend, and unbelievably kind. He'd take the shirt off his back to warm someone. He was generous and funny, and any girl would he lucky to call him theirs. His smile could brighten your year. His laugh, infectious. His perfect curls cascade down in front of his beautiful hazel eyes that always seemed to be smiling at you.
Honestly, I wish I was brave enough to tell him all this. Tell him that I love him. Run my fingers through his beautiful hair and stare into those eyes for every moment of every day. He was my safe haven. He was my whole world. I just wish he knew.

As we took off, I started setting up my camera to take photos. I could feel Ashton's eyes watching my every movement.

"Seriously Ash, what is going on?" I huffed.


"Whatever" I sighed, rolling my eyes. This would be a long flight.


Or so she thinks it'll be long lmao oops

Above The Clouds // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now