zwolf : personal snapchats

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"hey, where did you two go last night? everyone's saying that you went clubbing." ashton hums as michael and luke walk into soundcheck. luke laughs awkwardly and michael blushes to a peachy tone. "we just stayed in, watched a few horror movies." luke tells him with a smile and ashton raises an eyebrow.

"oh, these must be from the weekend!" ashton sighs and luke looks at the pictures and nods. "yeah, that's the place where pictures of us in the vip lounge got leaked." luke informs him and ashton groans. "hm? i don't remember that." michael lies to see the leaked pictures.

luke holds up his phone in front of michael to show him pictures of them taking shots together, michael sat on luke's thigh again. "leaked from ashton's personal snapchat." luke reminds him and michael nods slowly. "i hope you two didn't get up to anything inappropriate last night." ashton winks and luke rolls his eyes.

"i'm sure you know something happened, due to michael's story." luke huffs as he grabs his guitar and ashton chuckles, getting his drumsticks. the two blondes go off to the stage together, discussing what ashton did last night and michael looks at his phone.

he remembers luke had shown him an app called snapchat that captured pictures, only lasting a few seconds. michael thought this was stupid as fuck, but tried it out anyway. his story was a ten second picture of michael's legs, thigh highs pulled up them and luke's hand on his left thigh.

it was obviously luke's by the long fingers with a few rings slipped on. in the background was a sickening frame of the human centipede. around thirty people had seen this, which was a bit less than the people michael had added on here.

he was amazed to find that he had the alex gaskarth, alexisgarkarthia (his personal account) on snapchat, one of his idols. would he reply if michael sent him one or would it go into the midst? michael did the pose he was used to, fringe coming into face and phone held high at an awkward angle.

at least, that's the pose that the emos did that girls loved back in secondary school, on myspace. a few minutes later, he received one back from alex of alex laughing at the pose. michael was shocked and awestruck, so he just sat and grinned like an idiot at the reply before racing to his band with a guitar in hand.

maybe a couple years from now | muke auWhere stories live. Discover now