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"Grace, I don't like this one."

Grace pinches the bridge of her noise in irritation. She loves Ally, really. They'd be friends until time do them part. But she was not a good person to shop with. Especially when it came to clothes.

"Ally, this is the tenth bra you've tried on! Are they not comfortable or do you just not like them?" Grace sighs, leaning on her hip.

"I don't like the lacy ones."

"I only shop here and there's nothing but lacy ones!" Grace shakes her head before throwing her hands up. "I'm coming inside, Ally. I bet you look great."

Before Ally could object, she's already pulling the dressing room door open and slamming it behind her. Taking the jacket she was wearing earlier, Ally uses it to cover herself. "Grace, please leave."

"No," she sighs walking in front of her and taking the hoodie. She stares down at Ally's chest to compliment her, but her eyes travel farther down and she gasps. Her ribcage was very viewable. "Ally, what the hell!"

Grace knew Ally had gotten thinner, but she makes sure she eats correctly, so it's quite a shock to look at.

Ally frowns and backs away. "I'm so ugly." She murmurs, her arms dangling to her side while looking down as tears form in her eyes.

That's when Grace notices it all. How skinny she was. It wasn't usually for her age. Just from her upper body, Grace could see most of her bones. It didn't even look like they wore the same sized bra anymore.

"No, no, Ally, you aren't ugly," Grace finally comforts, pulling the small girl in her chest and letting her cry. She soothingly rubs her back and hugs her tight. "You're really unhealthy, Ally. When was the last time you've been to the doctor?"

They pull away from each other and Ally's bottom lip quivers as she shrugs. "Before my mom died."

"That was five years ago."

The both of them stare at each other before Grace glares and picks up her jacket. "I'm going to kill your fucking dad one day. I swear to God, Ally," she threatens, angrily helping her unclasp the bra. "Get your clothes on. We're going to my house."


"Mom!" Grace yells, gripping Ally's hand as they walked through her house trying to find her mother.

"Do we really have to tell her, Grace? I-I feel fine." Ally stutters, following her friend.

"Yes, Ally. My mom's a nurse and you haven't been to a doctor in five years and I can see your fucking ribcage Ally. It shouldn't be that viewable, especially since you eat normally." She snaps, pissed.

Ally stops walking with a frown and her eyes start to well up again. Grace only turns around due to her stopping, but when she sees the tears building up, she sighs and pulls her into another tight hug. "Why are you mad at me?" Ally cries.

Grace sighs and pulls away, leaning up to kiss her forehead. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just... angry. Ally, you don't deserve all the bullshit you get and have and as your best friend, I hate it. I can't stand anything bad happening to you."

"Hey." A voice says, making Ally jump.

Grace turns and sees it's Charlie and her mom... and Austin. Ignoring her brother, she waves to Charlie and says to her mom, "Mom, could you help Ally and I with something."

"Wait, I-I actually have to speak with, uh, Ally... Just for a second." Austin interrupts, biting his lip.

"She doesn't want your bullshit apology, Austin," Grace snaps, leaning on her hip and crossing her arms. "Just leave her alone."

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