A neko story (cause im bored)

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Hayle-chan: hey guys ok so I was doing my homwork and drawing nekos cause im that fucking weird when I go this really fucked up slutty story in my head about mika and yuu being nekos so I said fuck it im writing it!..so hey telling you know its going to be SLUTTY and THERE WELL BE SEX! Just warning you all now! Anyway hope yah enjoy my little story for the perverts out there!^^

"M-mika..." yuu cried in his bedroom. Earlier yuu was walking around town looking for a nice coffee shop to go to. When he finally found one he saw something he never EVER wanted to see....it was mika...with a girl. They where laughing and chatting it up while yuu was thinking of a hundred ways to kill the bitch. He had to confess he did love mika but he knew mika never would love him back, he only saw yuu as a friend (heh...thats what yuu thinks) .

Yuu didnt run up to them and yell or try to push the girl outside and in the road no he just ran home crying his eyes out. "W-why was he with that girl?..." yuu sobbed out his cute cat ears pressed flat on his head and his tail laying almost lifeless on the bed. "Why can't I just tell him I love him and get this over with" yuu cries more. Before he knew it, it was 6:30 pm and mika came home (they live together). Yuu heard mika come in the front door down stairs and buried his face in his pillow. He tried to stop crying but he couldnt.

Tears just keep coming and his whimpering never stopped either. "Yuu-chan are you home?!" Yuu heard mika call out. "Yuu-chan!?!" Yuu doesnt respond back. Please dont come in here please! Yuu pleaded in his head "yuu-chan~!" Mika hollered louder walking up the stairs. Stop crying stop crying! But yuu didnt stop crying he just kept going seeing images of mika and that girl in his head. A few moments later yuu heard his door open slowly, "yuu-chan? " Mika called out in almost a whipser walking in the door and closing it softly. No dont come here! Yuu's thoughts screamed in his head but of course mika cant read his mind so he was alreally in there. "Yuu-chan whats wrong?" Miks asked walking closer to yuu. "N-nothing..g-go away" yuu sobbed in his pillow. "Yuu-chan.. I cant just go and leave you here crying by yourself" mika stated lifting yuu up from the pillow to a sitting position. "Now...whats wrong yuu-chan...and dont lie to me" mika said sternly. "I..." yuu couldnt hold it back anymore and just let it all out.

"WHATS WRONG!?! YOU BEING WITH THAT GIRL AT THAT COFFEE SHOP IS WHATS WRONG WHY WERE YOU WITH HER WHAT'D YOU GUYS DO AFTER YOU HAD COFFEE HUH!?!?!" yuu burst out crying face red with anger. "Yuu-chan....are you jealous?" Mika asked in total shock. "YES IM JEALOUS! IM JEALOUS CAUSE THAT GIRL WAS WITH YOU AND YOU WEREN'T WITH ME! I LOVE YOU OK THERE I SAID MIKA I LOVE YOU! BUT YOU DONT LOVE ME BACK!" yuu flopped back in his pillow crying harder while mika sat there eyes wide and staring at the wall in complete shock. Mika soon collected himself and looked down at yuu. "Yuu-chan?"

No response just more crying. "Yuu-chan..please look at me" mika asked softly. Yuu whimpered and shook his head. "Yuu-chan" mika sighed quietly and rubbed behind yuu's cute little cat ear earning a slight gasp and a shudder. "Yuu-chan...look at me...please" mika asked again. Yuu slowly turned his head toward mika showing his puffy red eyes from all the crying. "Oh yuu-chan" mika frowned and hugged yuu with one arm the other still rubbing his ear. "Yuu-chan I didnt go on a date with that girl if thats what your thinking..she was just talking and asking me question about what its like to be an neko..thats all" mika whispered in yuu's ear "and I never said I didnt love you either"

Yuu stared at mika in disbelief "b-but you always treat me like a child and I hate it!" Yuu cried. "Yuu-chan.....I love you I really do and im sorry I treated you like at I didnt know" mika hugged yuu tighter. "Mika..." yuu stopped crying and cuddled mika softly. "Hey mika?" "Yes yuu-chan?" Suddenly yuu cupped mika's face and kissed him as soft as he could. "Yu-....yuu-chan" mika moaned kissing back. Yuu slowly pulling away blushing and feeling a wave of hotness take over. "Um...mika...I t-think im horny" yuu whimpered ear flat against his head. Miks smiled amd patted yuu's head "its ok yuu-chan I am too" mika confessed. "T-then can you take me s-so I can become yours?" Yuu studdered clearly embarrassed on what he just said.

"Of course yuu-chan but warning you now im not going to play nice" mika smirked his cat fangs showing slightly. "I dont care I just want to be yours and yours alone" yuu said wraping his arms around mika's neck and pulling him in and deep kiss. (...can you believe im only 13 and I write this shit?). Mika's hands slowly let go of yuu and trailed down his hips to the helm of his shirt taking it off with easy. Mika broke away from the kiss and stared at yuu's slightly muscled chest. "You look hot like this yuu-chan" mika coded staring up at yuu who was panting with saliva dipping out one of the side of his mouth. "D-dont say that...its embarrassing!" yuu blushed hard looking away from mika. Mika laughed slightly and bit softly on yuu's ear. Yuu mewled and held mika tighter. "M-mika...please stop teasing me" yuu pleaded. Mika nibbled on his ear a bit then pulling back.

"What makes you think im teasing you?" Mika asked in an innocent tone kissing down yuu's neck chest tummy and back up to his chest and licked one of yuu's nipples. "M-mika.." yuu moaned out in a breathless whisper. Mika sucked on yuu's nipple then moved and did the same thing to the other. "Ngh....mika...please" yuu begged wanting more of mika with every second that went by. Mika giggled and rubbed the bulge in yuu's shorts earning a loud cry of pleasure from yuu. "M-Mika!" Yuu moaned loudly panting and body shivering at every one of mika's touch.

Mika slowly unbuttoned and pulled down yuu's shorts and soon his underwear revealing his cock. Yuu blushed hard and covered his face with his hands why am I the only one naked!?! Yuu thought. Mika seemed amused with yuu's reaction and giggled. "Want more yuu-chan?" Mika asked wrapping a hand around yuu's cock. " AH! yes!" Yuu moaned out. "Ok.." mika smirked and slowly started pumping yuu. "Kya!!! M-mika!" Yuu meowed his claws digging into mika's shoulder blades. "O-ow yuu-chan not so rough" mika whimpered slightly but still smirking. "Your the one That IS RouGH!" yuu's voice was all over the place moaning panting tail wrapping around mika's hand that was pumping him. "Mika..mika...mika" yuu kept moaning. Suddenly yuu felt mika stop pumping him and flip him over so he was on his hands and knees, then the sound of mika taking off his clothes.

"M-mika-AH!" Yuu felt something furry push in his ass. "MIKA! AH!!" Yuu realized it was mika's tail that was in him. Mika trusted he tail in and out harshly. "You like that dont you?" Mika teased. "S-shut UP!" Yuu hissed/moaned as he now clawed his nails in the bed. "Yuu-chan dont rip the bed up" mika said removing his tail and adding his fingers. "AH!" yuu moaned clawing the bed up to shreds.

"Bad yuu-chan now your going to be punished" mika smirked pulling his fingers put. Shit "um m-mika?" Silence...Oh no Yuu thought im fucked! (Hehe literally!) "Ahhh! FUCKING SHIT MIKA!" yuu screamed in pain as sure enough mika shoved his dick right in yuu's ass!,"yuu-chan dont curse its bad" mika giggled. Devil evil kitten fuck! Yuu's head screamed knowing mika couldnt hear him. Not even waiting for yuu to get use to the weird feeling , mika just started trusting in and out and HARD to. Yuu screamed tears rolling down his cheeks "P-PLEASE MIKA STOP IT...IT HURTS!!" yuu whimpered begging mika to stop, but being the bitch mika is he didnt listen and just went faster.

After a few more minutes of pain and screaming yuu finally got use to the feeling and started moan loud not caring if the whole neighborhood could hear him. "MIKA~! I....IM GOING TO C-CUM!" Yuu moaned with a hint of embarrassment. "Me..to" mika replied sounding just a bit tired. Yuu soon released with the loudest moan he could make digging his claws really deep in the bed. Mika layed down next to yuu giggling and blushing. "That was fun". Fun...fun!?! "How could you think that was FUN!?! my ass hurts and I can't stand up!!" Yuu screamed rubbing his poor throbbing sides.

"But you still loved it!" Mika reminded yuu hugging him tightly. ".....whatever" yuu didnt even want to argue with him cause he know he well most likely lose, and plus he was tired to. "I love you...yuu-chan" mika smiled kissing yuu on the forhead. "Yeah....I love you to" yuu smiled cuddling mika and slowly drifting of to sleep as mika did the same.

Well.....that was a little more PG then expected....who cares you all little pervs anyway! But in all seriousness that was really fucking hard to write the whole time I was thinking my friends are going to see this and my bother has a wattpad to...what if he sees it....what if he tells mom...WHAT IF SHE TAKES MY WATTPAD AWAY NOOOOO!!!! ...yeah well I'd best be going have fun you little pervs! ••♥♡♥♡♥••♥♡♥♡♥••

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