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Chained Hearts
Anakin Skywalker

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"It's a great pleasure to see you again, M'lady," Ryn had heard a very familiar voice speak up from the meeting hall. She had then turned, directing herself towards the room where Padmé and the two Jedi—known as, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker—stood.

"It has been far too long Master Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again, but I must warn you that I think your presence here is unnecessary," Padmé breathed out as Ryn had finally found her way to stand next to Padmé Amidala, just as Obi-Wan's gaze fell upon Ryn. Their eyes had locked in astonishment; their smiles lifting slowly.

     "Obi-Wan," Ryn indulged with the biggest grin possible before Obi-Wan gently grasped her hand within his before he placed a gentle kiss upon her outer palm. It was most assuredly pleasing for Ryn to reunite with the only father figure that had ever endured within her life; the two of them chuckling in unison. "It's been so long, Master," Ryn exhaled as Obi-Wan snickered, looking to Ryn as if she had looked much different than the last time Obi-Wan had seen her.

     "Indeed it has," Obi-Wan spoke calmly, truly happy to see Ryn once again under such a coincidental circumstance.

     "Annie?" The two figures heard Padmé speak with astonishment as Ryn turned away from Obi-Wan to now see the face of a particular young man, his eyes undoubtedly transfixed upon Padmé. Ryn's stomach almost instantly turned into knots, the palm of her hands began to muster beads of sweat, a small hopeful exhale escaped her chest as her lips began to quiver. She couldn't believe it was him. It was slight shocker see Anakin once again, but that's wasn't the reason Ryn took the situation the way she did.

She took a slight step back in utmost shock, away from the man's presence; not believing it was the man from her nightmares. The very man who tormented Ryn with such a dark powerful force. She swallowed nervously, not knowing where to place her gaze righteously. Ryn looked down towards the ground beneath her feet, closing her eyes slightly, calming herself down and allowing the force of peace to flow through and within her.

"My goodness you've grown," Padmé had spoken kindly to the young gentleman. But Ryn stood there, only to have a heartless and heavy feeling that Anakin truly didn't remember Ryn. He hadn't even glanced her way once in this conversation of such individuals. Anakin turned his head slightly to face Ryn, the woman of his childhood to look distinguishably different. In his eyes, Ryn had become more beautiful than he remembered.

"And you've grown more beautiful," he spoke shakily, not realizing what he had said before turning his attention back towards Padmé. "I mean, grown more beautiful, for a Senator." Anakin stated, gazing upon Padmé with a roving eye, almost completely ignoring Ryn at this point.

"Oh, Annie," Padmé paused, cocking her head to the side slightly. "You'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine." Padmé spoke with true words, never intending to embarrass the young man, but doing exactly that. Ryn couldn't help but look down to her hands, a small grin planted upon her face as she tried her best to not show much emotion.

"Lorien," Anakin calmly exhaled, catching Ryn's attention as she steadily looks to the young man, now truly being able to examine his soft features closely; his blue orbs locked to Ryn's as she held in a breath. They were the same eyes she's looked right through in her nightmares, but there was peace and compassion within Anakin's eyes. He smiled, taking a step closer to Ryn's figure, grasping her hand within his, not breaking the eye contact as he bent down slightly and placing a gentle kiss upon her outer-palm.

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