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Chained Hearts
Anakin Skywalker

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s e n a t e   b u i l d i n g . . .

Ryn stood by the door of the transportation freighter with a few satchels and personal belongings; handing each bag to the servants that remained on board. Ryn then turned from the freighter, heading back towards the main hall with a soft stride of confidence; hoping to find Queen Amidala. Her raven leather boots clicked against the granite flooring of the Senate Building, indulging anyone near of her current presence, if close enough. She kept her head up, getting a few head bows from others around her in respect as she continued on.

Ryn then heard voices up afar from a few distinguished individuals. She followed the sound of voices rumbling and somewhat un-audiable dialogue, her eyes now transfixed upon Queen Amidala, Jar Jar, and Anakin. She continued to walk at an even pace, overhearing Padmé and Jar Jar Binks adieu.

      "You're a good friend, Jar Jar. I don't wish to hold you up," Queen Amidala pauses, "I'm sure you have a great deal to do." Ryn watched as Jar Jar then looked to the ground, the blush upon his cheek being visible. Ryn Padmé and Anakin had both turned as they parted ways with Jar Jar; the creature leaving as the doors shut behind his odd figure. Queen Amidala and Anakin were now headed in the direction of Ryn; the two figures gazes were now transfixed upon the female Jedi. Each of them bowed respectfully before the three of them began to walk together.

"I must admit," Padmé had paused for a moment, "I do not like this idea of hiding."

"Don't worry, your highness," Ryn breathed out in reassurance. Anakin lifted his eyes from the ground to glance towards Ryn's figure. Ryn continued, "everything is and will be under reliable control. Now that the Council has ordered an investigation, it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find that bounty hunter."

"Lorien is right," Anakin passed, looking to Padmé in a way that seemed to make others slightly uncomfortable. "Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us."

"Pride?" Queen Amidala had lifted her voice in astonishment, "Annie, you're young, and you don't have a very firm grip on politics. I suggest you reserve your opinions for some other time." Ryn then placed her hands behind her back, remaining on the left of Queen Amidala.

"Sorry, m'lady," Anakin then paused, "I was only trying to-"

"Annie, no," Padmé had interrupted, shaking her head slightly as Ryn was intrigued by the odd conversation of the two.

"Please don't call me that."

"What?" Padmé questioned Anakin's motives.

"Annie," Anakin replied to Padmé's question in an uncomfortable and mocking tone. For some odd reason, Ryn had to turn her head to hide the smile that was now lifting from the corners of her mouth. She couldn't help but admit to herself that 'Annie' was indeed a terrible name upon Anakin's sake.

"I've always called you that," Queen Amidala stated in defense, turning her eyes towards Anakin. "It is your name, isn't it?" She questioned, hoping she never meant to offend the young Padawan.

"It's Anakin," he replied with honesty. "When you say Annie it's like I'm still a little boy. I assure you, I am not." Ryn looked to the ground, listening to the two continue the conversation wondering where this specific conversation was headed.

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