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Chained Hearts
Anakin Skywalker

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     Ryn was supposedly sleeping against the couch in the room just outside Padmé Amidala's chamber; but she was merely resting her eyes for a few moments. Her arm resting against the armrest of the sofa, her head simply laying against her arm. No sleep was valid in her true state of mind; nothing but the figures of Obi-Wan and Anakin standing restless.

In all honesty, Ryn would gladly be sleeping at that exact moment, but she was ordered to do otherwise. She's had to stay awake and alerted for any disturbance that may come towards Padmé. But Ryn knew that wasn't the only reason in which she was most definitely not sleeping. She was afraid to face the fact that Anakin was the man within her nightmares. She was afraid to see the same face of young Anakin Skywalker to be full of evil, hatred, grief, and envy.

     "You look tired," Obi-Wan's voice spoke within the darkness of the room, Ryn listening tot he conversation. She doubtlessly knew Master Kenobi was most assuredly speaking towards Anakin.

     "I don't sleep well anymore," Anakin breathed out effortlessly, Ryn almost feeling sorrow and shame for the young man. She too was dealing with the same difficulty.

     "Because of your mother?" Master Kenobi questioned; Ryn's heart sinking to the bottom of her chest in sorrowful pain. She remembered the wonderful memories that little Annie would speak of without hesitation. The stories in which he'd make his mother seem as if she was the Queen of all the galaxies. Ryn couldn't help but wonder why he'd be having trouble sleeping because of his own mother.

     "I don't know why I keep dreaming about her now," Anakin breathed out. "I haven't seen her since I was a youngling," Anakin exhaled a deep heavy breath, but Ryn could sense sadness, fear, and grief within Anakin's heart.

     "Dreams pass in time," Obi-Wan stated wisely before Ryn turned slightly, trying to set herself in a more comfortable state, still simply resting her heavy eyes. There was a silence between Obi-Wan and Anakin.

     "Is Lorien asleep? If she is, I wouldn't doubt that she's dreaming about the stars," Anakin breathed out with a slight chuckle as Ryn felt the heaviness within her heart, weighing her soul down dreadfully. Her heart quenched as she remembered a bittersweet memory of her and her mother.

     "See, Lorien?" her mother, Gelliah, pointed to the beautiful night sky. "Keep your eyes on the stars," she paused as Ryn looked to the flickering balls of fire in the distance. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer, Ryn." Her mother words flowed off her tongue like honey slowly dripping from a hive. Gelliah paused, stroking her daughters hair. "Always remember, you have the strength within you, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the universe." Her mother spoke softly as Ryn nodded her head before burying her little face into her mother's neck.

     "Mother?" Little Ryn questioned, looking up to her mother as Gelliah looked down to her daughter. "Why is death so terrible?" Young Ryn questioned remembering her uncle just dying recently as her mother sighed.

     "Lorien," her mother paused. "Death is not the most tragic or devastating thing in the universe. The greatest tragedy is what dies inside us while we live," Gelliah spoke with love and endurance as little Ryn cuddled into her mother as Gelliah rocked her back and forth.

     "I love you," Ryn's little voice spoke like gentle whispers from a sacred angel in the vast lands.

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