5: Annie

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~ Annie's P.O.V ~

At 7:30 pm someone was knocking at my dorm door. I quickly pulled on basketball shorts and a white tank-top.

I just got out of the shower. I slowly pulled on my blue throw-over Nike sweatshirt and I crossed the room to the door.

I opened the door wide enough so that only my face was facing outside.

A sad-looking Ymir stood there with a happy-looking Mina Carolina.

Mina and I are close friends but I hang out with Ymir more.

"Can we come in?" Mina asks.

"Sure" I smiled.

I open the door wide enough for both of them to walk in. I close the door behind them.

While I close the door I see Mikasa leaving her dorm with a crying Krista.

"What's up?" I ask.

"We were both wondering if you would like to come to the annual Student Party on Sunday?" Mina asks.

"What time?" I ask.

"6:30 to 9:30. All juniors and seniors are invited and a few Sophomore's" Ymir said.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"The Lawn" Mina smiles.

I've heard about this party. Student Council sponsors it every year.

Mina's been a member of the Student Council since freshman year and we're senior's now.

"I'll be there. Ymir, you should ask Krista" I suggested.

"Have you not heard?" Ymir asked.

"Heard what?" I ask.

"Armin and Krista are back together" She informed.

All of the air left my lungs. I thought Armin liked me and that's why he was talking to me.

He just talked to me so he could gossip to the Preps.

That's it. I'm never talking to him again. Ever.

"S-seriously" I stuttered.

"I'm sorry, Ann. I just got the news from Reiner a few minutes before Mina and I walked here" Ymir said.

"It's fine" I said.

"Oh! I have homework so I have to go" Mina exclaimed.

Mina gave me a quick hug before she nearly left my dorm.

Ymir was slowly edging towards the door.

"You can leave, Ymir" I said.

She smiled and gave me a quick hug before she left, just like Mina.

Something's up between those two. Maybe they hooked up?

Scoffing at that thought, I grabbed my laptop and booted it up.

While I was waiting for it to turn on I grabbed my last chocolate bar and Orange Soda.

After my laptop finished booting up I sat criss-cross in bed with my laptop in my lap.

I pulled up my email first. I had two emails; one from Armin and one from Mina.

The one from Mina is just the link to my afternoon class's homework.  I'll start working on that in a little while.

I reluctantly check the one from Armin. It says:

Hey Annie. It's Armin. I'm emailing you today to tell you that Krista and I are back together. I know it may not make sense to you but we are in love with each other. That is why I can't talk to you anymore. I'm so sorry to abruptly end our very very short friendship. But, goodbye Annie.

After reading that I almost started to cry.

I thought that Krista liked Ymir? Oh well. I guess Armin and I won't be speaking, at all, Forever.

I forwarded the email to Ymir and Mina.

I nearly slammed my laptop shut and put it back on my desk.

I grabbed my quilt and pulled it over my head.

That's when I began to cry when the realization hit. I almost started to care for Armin, deeply, and then he did this.

I threw my quilt off of me and I pulled on my sneakers.

Luckily it's only September so I can wear shorts outside. I leave my dorm and leave the dorm area.

Usually, when I'm angry I go running so  I start my anger run. After nearly an hour I return to my dorm, completely tired.

I kick off my shoes and turn the lights off. I jump into bed and pull the covers over my head.

I quickly fall asleep, still pissed at Armin and Krista.

Hey Guys!! Sorry for the fillerish feel to this chapter.

I swear Armin and Krista getting back together will mean something later on.

Hopefully you all enjoyed.

Any who, see you in the next chapter my AmazeBalls!!

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