Chapter 37.)

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Asia pov: I woke up the next morning with ky Laying down right next to me with a pillow beside him so he wouldn't roll off the bed. I was confused last night I put him back to sleep and fell asleep on Lucas's chest. "Shit. I fell asleep on Lucas's chest" I said. I looked at a sleeping ky and smiled "my baby boy" I said to myself, Lucas and I kissed last night not just no regular kiss either more like a I'm gonna fuck you type kiss and it almost happened too. I ran my hands through my curls and sighed I needed to tell will what I did like now before I have this eat me up on the inside. I sat up completely and seen a note on my side table
Good morning beautiful, I didn't want to wake you up or anything and I didn't want you to feel my absence of the bed so I brought kyrin in there with you. I'm sorry about last night.
If there's anyway I could make it up to you I will trust me.
But anyways I had to get headed to the studio early
Dillyon called me in to work some stuff out on a new song
I'll call you later alright?
I love you.
I smiled at the note and put it back down I picked up my phone and got up making sure to reset another pillow on the other side of kyrin I went to the bathroom did my hygiene and went to the kitchen to make ky a bottle I got dressed and texted will
(The first message is Asia to will , the second message is coming from will's phone to Asia)
To hubby 💕: babe we gotta talk about something
To wifey👑: who is this?
To hubby💕: whose this?
To wifey👑: uhm I'm will's new girl
When I seen that my heart dropped. Nah I didn't even get sad I got mad! I called will's phone and some girl answered "hello?" She said "yeah who are you?" I asked "I'm Marissa, I'm will's new chick" "you mean his side chick because I'm pretty sure my name in his phone still says wifey and I know damn well you heard about me" "yeah you're Asia right? Yeah he said he was gonna leave you and all of that he said the reason why he's still around is because you just had a baby and he didn't want to leave like that" she said I laughed this was all so fucking funny to me. How will said he wouldn't pull the same shit Lucas did and how he'd be there and all of that but look at what we got here. "Thanks Marissa oh when will comes back around you let him know Asia said she fucked Lucas and Asia is done" with that I hung up. I didn't fuck Lucas but will doesn't know that. I call d Lucas on the phone and he picked up on the first ring "wassup you ok?" "Yeah" I said nodding my head like he could see me "uhm will might try and fight you I just want to let you know that. I uhm texted his phone and his little bitch Marissa responded , I called his phone and she picked up so I told her to tell him I fucked you and I'm done" I heard him laugh "only if that was true but you alright ma? I could handle myself thanks for letting me know in advance what might pop off but you good?" "Surprisingly, I'm okay. I should've expected it. I had someone else's child I mean it wasn't my fault but it happened. I never had sex with anyone. You know? I didn't give it up officially yet. So I expected it" I said although I couldn't see him I knew he was nodding his head "Asia it's ok, I'll be back over tonight but for now imma tell djaay to check in with you" "alright" I said hanging up I sighed and turned my head when I heard ky make a noise I picked him up and wiped him down and changed him "morning baby" I said to him I played with him and kissed him and just loved him and showed him that I even talked to him like he was understanding me. I low key think he did because he was responding every time I stopped in his baby language. I gave him the already made bottle and feed him just then djaay called I grabbed the phone with my free hand and answered his FaceTime call setting the phone up on a pillow to capture ky and I. "Wassup sis" he said "nothing really, motherly duties" I said he nodded "you still doing your classes online right?" He asked "yeah, I'm still trying to graduate from high school dude I'm not like you and Lucas, diggy or Jasmine up until Jasmine starts to show I can't go to school still so of course. I still do plan on going to college" I explained to him "yeah I feel you, so what's this I heard about you ending things with will?" He asked I explained to him everything that happened "are you serious?" He asked me "mhm" I said holding ky up to burp him, I lightly patted his back and started to tell him about what happened between Lucas and I last night "djaay?" I said lowly "wassup?" " I think it's safe to say that I'll never be able to move on from Lucas" he furrowed his eyebrows "I almost had sex with him last night djaay... Willingly. Of course I bitched out last minute, and I thought about will, but and I remembered ky was still in the house. But I almost slept with him last night" I confessed "Asia he's your first love you'll never get over him. To be honest I know you guys are gonna end up together again but you gotta do you and just see things got yourself baby sis. That boy loves you" he said to me I agreed "yeah he's been showing me a lot too" I said "well I'm gonna come by the house to cop my little man up have him dressed and ready for me" "uh yeah no you can cop your little man and get him dressed and ready to go yourself" I said laughing 'ight I see you" "yep imma hold you to that drop that you gave me when we were going to your ex's party" "ooo now that u think of it you was still pregnant huh?" "Well duh !! Ky is here isn't he?!" I semi yelled then laughed "I'll see you when you get here" I said handing up.
About an hour or so later djaay came over to the house to get ky ready and pick him up for his uncle/nephew daily days whatever the fuck that is 😂. Djaay made it up though it's funny but it's also cute at the same time. After they left I got some sleep in well that is for about 5 minutes until I heard a knock at the door. "Ughhhh what do you want?!?! Go awayyyyyy" I growled into my pillow, I decided to ignore it until the person knocked like 2x louder "alright what the fuck are you knocking like your the police or something" I said getting up, I opened the door and seen will standing there I laughed and walked away into my room laying back down trying to fall back asleep. "You know walking away from someone is rude right?" He said "you know cheating on someone is ruder right?" I said throwing jabs at him "listen Asia I don't date Marissa she's just a-" "what?" I said "A what? Huh? A side chick? That you told you was gonna break up with me but you didn't want to right away because I just had a child. But the child's not yours... Making it seem like I'm some type of hoe or something. I can't take back that I got raped and pregnant but what I can tell you is kyrin is the best thing that's happened to me wether you're here by myside or not I know my son will always be" I said now at this point standing in his face with my arms crossed. He nodded his head "another thing you wanted to sit here and talk about you'll never be like Lucas and cheat on me or hurt me and all of that but your just like Lucas matter of fact worse he never had a chick on the side he only fucked his ex girlfriend once but you're driving around with this chick have her answer your calls and text messages" I yelled in his face. What I wasn't prepared for was him yelling back "how are you gonna sit here and talk shit to me when you fucked Lucas whole we were together huh?" His voice boomed I was slightly taken back a bit about to stay silent but there was no way I going out like a bitch "I can do that because I never fucked Lucas I said that shit to get even with you, to get you mad you're such a a fucking hypocrite will a huge one but Lucas did kiss me though last night and that's why I called you this morning to tell you about it but no you wanted Marissa to pick up the phone you wanted Marissa to make me feel like a dumb ass! I hate you will, get out I never want to see you again, don't call me or text me were through" I said silently to myself but enough for him to hear me. His face expression changed from angry to guilty and upset "Asia b" "out" I said cutting him off and pointing at the door he slowly walked out before leaving completely he said something just above a whisper "I love you and I'm sorry. Maybe Lucas does deserve you" then moments later I heard the door lock and shut. I sat down on my bed tired as all hell I sighed out heavily and got in my bed and texted djaay
To bro god👌🏽🔫🙏🏽✊🏽💕: can you please keep kyky tonight pleaseeee
To evil midget 👑💁🏽🙏🏽🔫✊🏽💕: yeah I gotchu no problem
I sighed in relief thank you god. I got under my blanket and just replayed every word, every movement every action that just took place between Will and I in my head until I fell asleep.

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