Chapter 51. Sheria

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"Who are these people? Ugh I just finished marking all of them! Put down those files!" A girl about the age of sixteen or seventeen walked in shouting. She had a huge spear in her right hand. She had the same cloak on that we found fragments of in the files. She then started to swing the spear around. It started to charge with a light power as she swong it around in her hands.

"Valeria, stop!" Dawnlight shouted. Wait, how did she know her name?

Josh shouted at her, "how do you know her name?!"

"I've seen her before, spoke to a training class of mine." Dawnlight quickly turned around before throwing up her frying pan in the way of the spear's energy. She perfectly blocked it.

Rheannah quickly drew her sword out and stood in front of me, "Sheria stay back, I'll protect you."

Valeria noticed her name was called and she was countered and drew down her spear. She just glared at Dawnlight, as if they knew each other very well, even though Dawnlight didn't insist otherwise.

"What do you want with these files? I am Heather, Maxamus, and Rheannah's caretaker now. I demand to know what you want to do with them."

Valeria groaned and knocked her long, silky black hair over her shoulder, "I was following orders."

"Your leader is gone. The world knows that. You all have scattered." Josh told her. He joined Dawnlight with standing in front of her.

Dawnlight pointed to her cloak, "you're recruiting. Trying to find a new leader to replace the one you lost. You always needed to follow orders."

"You always needed to know you had control."

"Is there a crime to feel control?"

"Is there a crime following orders given to me by those who rank higher than me?"

Rheannah walked out from protecting me to draw her sword betwixt the three, "stop arguing. Right now there's a bigger problem out there and you're not doing anything to solve it. Obviously, we have a miscommunication. Max and I declined joining the academy here or any other school for training. We decided that we're not going to train for some higher ranked man. We're gonna work for Heather. We will continue our training here with Heather's trainer, then we will work for Heather. How you ask? Heather is a valued asset to everyone. Everyone wants her, no one can get her. Think of us as her security guards. We make sure nothing happens to her. She's strong. You want her. Everyone wants her. No one gets her. Max is in charge of watching her, I'm watching her younger sister. Heather is on an assignment and my brother is assigned to go with her. Of course I also have to watch over my brother, I promised my mother. But I'm also protecting her sister, one of the last surviving people from Issola. She's just a young girl. I will protect her. I don't need to work for the same organization that took my family from me."

"Rheannah..." I spoke softly, standing up slowly. I picked up my rod tried to remain calm.

Rheannah clutched the handle of her sword with all her strength, almost to the point of her sword was shaking, "Get out. You're just like him. It's all for 'the greater good', you don't think about everyone around you. You tear apart families. The greater good doesn't tear apart families, it helps them heal. You're too blind to see it."

"Dawn...Sheria, Rheannah, let's go. I'm sure Heather and Max will be done talking with Nellie soon." Josh turned away and put back the files, "there's nothing much more we can learn here—"

"Since Valeria tampered with the files."

"It's just Val, Dawnlight. You of all people should know that by now. You used to look up to me. What changed?"

Dawnlight turned away, "I learned about your history. You're not as cute or ruthless as people think you are. Just a coward. You heard Josh, let's get going. Don't want to mess up the shady work of the world." Dawnlight ushered us all out of the room before I heard her speak a few final words, "And you should know better than to try to lay hands on Heather. You do not wish to suffer the consequences."

After ushering us back to the main lobby of the UWT, the four of us sat down with nothing else to do. Rheannah kept her sword out, resting against her shoulder. She glared at anyone who walked by us. I just kept my rod at my side. I wish I could put it away, just like I wish Rheannah would stay on guard. Nothing would come to get us now.

"So what are we supposed to do now?" I asked the other three. Where were we headed, anyway?

Josh sighed, "We can't forgive the actions of the past, and we can't forget them. We have to continue forward. We'll continue with Heather and Max. We'll train, and we'll find Jen. Jen and Frank are family here. Family comes first; we have to take care of those who are close to us. Then we'll figure out what to do after that when that time comes, I'm sure we'll have seen the world when that time comes and we can figure out what to do after that. Until then we train. We do whatever it takes. I think it's a good plan, but Heather gets the final say in this. I'm only her caretaker and her trainer. Are we in agreement?"

"Family comes first, I'm in." Rheannah agrees right away.

Dawnlight agrees as well, "yes, we've gone too far to back down now."

"Sheria?" Josh asked me.

I shrugged, "I don't have much of a choice, but if I did, it's anything for Heather. She's my only sister left. I need her."

"Alright, then we have our plan. Let's just hope that Heather and Max both agree with it." Josh smiled.

"Say, what's taking them so long anyway?" Rheannah asked, "Nellie's got a full schedule so why are they taking this long?"

Dawnlight shook her head, "who knows, but if it's something this important, Nellie would be the one to take her time until they understood it completely."

Part IV / Never Forget & Forgive / End

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