friendly meetings could happen

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"So, where ya from? Are you an exchange student here or something?" ivan looked up from his journal to Alfred, raising an eyebrow.

"Im from a small town in Russia, you've probably never heard of it, but it's called Dubna, it has a population of around seven-thousand. Very small compared to this place, da?" Alfred nodded quickly, excited to be talking to him.

"That's so cool! So like, you're a commie or something, right?" Alfred joked, nudging him lightly, though Ivan looked at him, obviously unimpressed and unamused.

"No, if you mean communist when you said commie, no, the Soviet Union collapsed over 20 years ago." Alfred rolled his eyes and continued to talk, finding it easier and easier to talk to ivan the more he spoke.

"I know, I know, im not that stupid." Ivan nodded his head, a light smirk gracing his face.

"Okay, Альфред." Alfred exasperatedly sighed, slumping in his seat. "Whatever man! At least im not some creepy commie!" ivan went to roll his eyes but stopped himself, realizing that he was getting uncomfortably comfortable with the American.

"hm, yes." He looked down to his letter and continued to draw, doodling a small flower in the corner of the paper. Alfred frowned at his new friend's sudden change in behavior, but didn't say anything about it. This guy seemed pretty strong and slightly unstable, so no use in pushing him over the edge.

After a few minutes of fidgety silence(only for Alfred, everyone but ivan and him were still screaming and ivan seemed to be absorbed in what he was writing.) the teacher finally came back to the classroom frowning.

"everyone!" she barked, angrily shoving her phone in her pocket. "sit down and shut up!" ivan shoved his paper in his pocket and looked up at the teacher, his vibrant eyes dull on her. She seemed to look everywhere but at ivan, Alfred noticed. Why? Why did everyone seem in some way against him? Sure, he seemed cold, but what happened?

They quickly figured out that they had all of their core classes together after being placed next to eachother in all of them but math, where Alfred sat next to kiku, one of the boys he was talking earlier that day, and ivan sat over in the corner of the room.

Lunchtime finally came around, after a very uneventful day in alfreds mind whereas he expected to be the cool new kid. He planned on sitting with ivan as well, but the minute they got out of class he didn't see him again, so he decided he would go with the other person he knew, kiku.

Kiku was a nice guy from what he could tell. He liked videogames and movies, he loved to draw(although when asked what he was drawing he blushed and turned so Alfred didn't see what he was drawing) and had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and he didn't seem too...energetic, if anything. Though he was nice, and Alfred didn't know where else to go and was hoping to be introduced to some more people through him, which luckily happened.

Short chapter, i know, but there was no better place to end the chapter, and so much is happening right now. Hah, no excuse for not updating for almost a month, but still. I'm dealing with a ton of high school stuff at the moment, which is amazingly fun. Its just lots of stress right now, i'm so sorry if you like this story. Have fun cool people!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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