Chapter 1: New Meat

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~X~ Jacks Pov ~X~

I was dreaming... I don't remember what I was dreaming of. All I know that it was something or someone peaceful, and familiar. I felt so safe, I felt so ... Loved? It was something that I didn't mind staying in. Like eternal sleep, In this unknown, invisible place. Somewhere I would want to stay forever. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. And I was rudely awoken by a very annoying alarm clock and a mother screaming bloody murder for me to get up. I sighed heavily. "Another day of shit!" I mumbled under my breath in a sarcastically happy tone. slammed the power button on my alarm and began to get dressed.

After I was done I ran right passed my ma out the door slamming it on my way out. I sighed once more and started walking to school. This was the first time in a long time my ma was home. She was usually on business trips, or out somewhere getting drunk off her ass. And whenever my ma WAS home, we would argue a lot. We just never spent enough around each other, but so I guess we aren't used to they way we act? And well anyways we had just gotten into another argument last night because I apparently wasted all the hot water when I took a like 5 second shower.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize i how fast I got to school. I was already at the school gate. I walked into the school ignoring all the fake cunts and walked straight to my locker. I opened it and took out pointless shit for my first period class. I shut it and right as I did, the bell rang signaling students to get to class. I heard the herd (lol) of people coming my way. I quickly looked down and started making my way to my class. Some people would bump into me but not caring enough about my existence to apologize. I didn't care. Everyone in school knew me as 'the kid that wants no one to talk to him.' I in particular, didn't choose to have the reputation. But as soon as the whole school found out I was gay. People soon stopped talking to me. And if people did it was usually to be an ass and make fun of me. So now I just try to avoid everyone.

As I began walking down the hall to the stairs I ran into someone, dropping all my things. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath. "Oh god I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going! Here let me help you!" The voice I heard was deep. Soothing. It brought chills down my spine, I have no idea why. But it did. "N-no it's fine I got it." I protested. He helped me anyways and ignored me denying his offer. Grabbed the stuff he didn't and stood up, he did the same. I got a good look at his face. He had brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, a little stubble. It was no doubt he was pretty cute, but I've never seen him here before. He handed me my stuff, and smiled. I mumbled a "thanks" and bit the inside of my lip. He must be new.

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