Chapter 1

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Hello to all readers! I’m so sorry for not updating in a long time, but I hope to make it up to you this year with regular bi-weekly updates of what I hope will be a good story. Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Warriors; this is a fan based product from which no profit is being made.

Chapter 1

Darkness. Darkness is everywhere. It covered everything. There was no light to be found. The atmosphere was thick, heavy, and it pressed into her, a weight on her shoulders and back, pressing down, down. She was trapped, lost in an endless, silent abyss in which nothing could reach her and she could reach and see nothing. And suddenly through the gloom a roaring sound became prominent, a relentless, loud crash of water cascading into her tight, enclosed area. She tried to get out of the way, but her legs seem to be covered by something, preventing her from moving from her trapped position. Waves, frothy upsurge from the sea crashed into her body, covering her with liquid, pulling her down, drowning her, covering her so that she could not breathe. As her panting grew harsher, turned to gurgles as she swallowed more water then air, she could see a white light getting steadily brighter, brighter, and then-

Amberkit shot awake, eyes wide with fright and mouth open in a silent scream of terror. She could hear her own harsh panting, heart beating frantically underneath her pelt, flank heaving as if she had exerted herself in life as she had in her dream. Looking frantically around her, she slowly calmed as she was greeted with the comforting sight of the hanging brambles that covered the top of the TreeClan nursery.

Sighing and allowing her body to relax, she slumped back into her moss nest, snuggling back with her black furred sister, Emberkit, who mewed quietly in her sleep and nuzzled Amberkit’s flank. Even as she let out a fond smile, Amberkit’s mind whirred and churned with confused thoughts and reasoning’s. Why was she being plagued with such nightmares each night? Every single one was the same, a cat trapped in a small space somewhere, unable to get out as the cavern filled with water and the poor feline drowned.

She had no idea why these dreams were coming to haunt her, but she wanted to know why. Was it StarClan? Amberkit flicked her tail in thought, and resolved to speak to the medicine cat about it by the end of the day.

Now, looking outside the den, she could still see the lack of sunlight and knew that it was still nowhere near dawn. So wearily, she allowed her drowsiness to wash over her once more, and finally she fell back to sleep.

~~ ~ ~~ ~~

“Amberkit, wake up! Amberkit, Lilyfire says that I can’t go outside until you’re awake so get up now!” Amberkit startled as she was pulled from her dreamless sleep by the sound of her sister’s loud mews. She opened her eyes to see Emberkit standing above her, large blue eyes eagerly watching her sister wake.

“Good, you’re up! Mom, she’s up, can we play now?” Amberkit looked around the den, noting the forms of other cats still curled up in attempt to stay in their slumber. On the far corner of the den was Daisyflower, a gray and brown she-cat with her kit, Birdkit, a ginger she-cat. The other side of the den held the other nursing queen, Dovefoot, whose kits were a black she-cat named Nightkit and a tortoiseshell she-cat, Rosekit. Next to Amberkit was her mother, Lilyfire, whose beautiful golden pelt Amberkit shared.

Warriors: Broken Threads Series Book 1: Wrath of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now