Chapter 2

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I'm sorry about the long wait! I could give many excuses for not writing, but since the biggest one is my laziness I've decided simply to post this and spare you the petty half-truths. Enjoy this new chapter, and be happy that since it is summer, more will be on their way! Feel free as always to comment with questions, criticisms and simply to say hello.

 Chapter 2

    “It’s not enough to just let it go. It will never be enough to allow the cats roaming free and healthy in the place of stars and light to just go on their way. Retaliation is the only method. It will solve all of our problems. Revenge will heal us all.”

    The large gray tom assertively stamped his paw down on the large rock upon which he stood. The gathered cats below were silent, listening with sickening glee. Their leader would bring them the light that they deserved, they thought. He would help them triumph where they previously failed.


    “We have cowered in the shadows for long enough. Star Clan has grown, but in our absence they have become lazy and comfortable. Our numbers are greater than ever and our strength unparalleled.” The tom looked upon his subjects and smirked.


    “Now is the time that we will strike. With our weapon we will infiltrate the heart of the Clans and get what was once ours. All you must do is exactly what I tell you…”

“Will all cats old enough to catch prey join beneath the High Rock for a Clan meeting!” Leafstar’s strong voice rang out over the camp and shocked Amberkit awake. The ginger kitten rubbed at her face in confusion, thinking of her dream. Who were those cats? She was already forgetting what they were talking about...

“I wish to address something of great importance...” Leafstar mewed loudly. Amberkit scrambled out of the nest, noticing that only her mother and sister were still sleeping inside. Carefully, she crept out of the den, blinking as light permeated her eyes. Leafstar was still speaking, but she had lowered her voice to speak to the cats right in front of her.

Amberkit’s ears flattened to the side of her head when she noticed Nightkit and Rosekit loudly complaining about their inability to hear Leafstar’s words. Amberkit let out a little snort at their behavior.

“Hey Amberkit, where are you going?” Emberkit asked from behind a tall root. Amberkit jumped on top of the root and surveyed the Clan. If she was careful, she could sneak forward and overhear the conversation.

“Cover for me! I’m going to see what’s happening!” Ignoring Emberkit’s protests, she jumped off the root.

With a little wriggle, she pushed noiselessly through the hanging vines and padded carefully towards the crowd. She slinked carefully under and around roots of trees until she was closer to the high rock, but she still couldn’t hear anything. With a deep breath she carefully picked her way toward the crowd. Most of the cats ignored her, some looking behind them with a brief smirk of amusement before fixing their attention on Leafstar. Amberkit sat down at the edge of the crowd, finally able to hear.

“I regret to inform you of the terrible tragedy that befell another Clan. I received word today that Rainfoot was crushed in a tragic rockslide.” Every cat gasped in dismay. Rainfoot was a well known tom from StoneClan, popular for his amicable attitude and excellent skills as a warrior. He had been in line to become the next StoneClan deputy if anything befell the current one.

Warriors: Broken Threads Series Book 1: Wrath of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now